The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155997   Message #3675841
Posted By: The Sandman
09-Nov-14 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: No man's land protest
Subject: RE: No man's land protest
"You said it - "No-man's Land at least has a chance of appealing to the majority of people - divested of its cultish anti-war 'message'" - sanitised, in other words.
but how is it different from Sharps Sanitisation
here we go, Sharps bowdlerisation worked however because he got the songs into primary schools, all of us sang them until they were taken out of the school curriculum in the 1960s, so they were popularised and we did go onto find the original versions.
if the song is sung at rembrance day parades etc, there is a chance that some people might stumble across the original, however if a campaign is maintained and pressure is put upon the British legion TO RE INCLUDE THE MISSING VERSE, and they do so that would be even better,which is why i have signed the petition, yours Dick Miles[Talentless Moron]