The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29213 Message #367588
Posted By: GUEST,Jenna
03-Jan-01 - 02:29 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Sarasponda (child's/Girl Scout song)
Subject: Sarah Spunda (child's song)
I've been searching everywhere for a recording of the children's song Sarah Spunda. I don't know if that's how it's spelled, but the lyrics go "Sarah Spunda (2x), Sara Spunda Ret Set Set...etc. It used to be sung in my first grade music class in public school in the US. Does anyone have any info that would help me locate an audio of this song? I've even tried Napster, etc., and I'm wondering if maybe I don't have the spelling right or something. This song MUST be out there somewhere!!! It's for a very special little girl I know who has been abused and her name is Sarah. I want to make a CD of pictures to music just for her.