The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29213 Message #367598
Posted By: Haruo
03-Jan-01 - 03:09 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Sarasponda (child's/Girl Scout song)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sarah Spunda (child's song)
I forgot to put the footnote in (I put an asterisk by Ret-set-set* but then didn't follow up on it):
*The t's in "ret-set-set" are, it seems to me, really just glottal stops (like the consonant in the middle of a cockney "bottle" or the hyphen in "oh-oh"). This is a sound that doesn't have a generally agreed upon spelling in English, and I chose to err on the T side when I could just as easily have erred on the other side by writing "Reh-seh-seh". The sound is made by briefly constricting the airway in the throat (at the glottis, or voicebox).
And I should also mention that "qui que quo quum" are "kwee kway kwoh kwum", as in Latin (except for the very English um), not as in French or Spanish.