The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156050   Message #3677651
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
16-Nov-14 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: Patriotism
Subject: RE: Patriotism
Joe Offer: "Hi, GfS -
I would hope that patriotism could cross ideological lines, that people of different political persuasions could put that aside and sing "America the Beautiful" or "God Save the King Queen" without the baggage of ideology - but that seems to happen less and less often nowadays."

Yes I agree!!...I think that when lies, misrepresentations and deceit, are employed by either 'religion' or politics, to achieve the personal goals, for those promoting it, then the subscribing peoples who belong to either group, become spiritually and morally malnourished, and then disillusioned.

We see that in every moment we live these days, and instead of CORRECTING those errors, we 'entrust' our confidence (a.k.a. 'faith'), into the very purveyors of the deceptions, and in our 'pride', we promote fears of 'what if', instead of self examination, admitting that our 'egos' have been misplaced, and making the necessary personal adjustments.
Are we so 'taken in' by our own pride(s) and vanities, that we have rendered ourselves 'too stupid' to find a way to bridge the differences, and find the common ground???...That we, after all, are living organisms, living together, on a ball in space, trying to survive. It is NOT necessary to manipulate each other, either privately, or corporately, on this ball, spinning in space, for the benefit of an elite, primarily, while excluding others, and not hurt the whole, of which we all are a part...but then at that point, the proselytizing of that very truth, would then fall into the category, of 'religion'.....the only thing wrong, is that many 'religions' have turned into 'the blind leading the blind' with 'peace and love at ten dollars a pair...and as in the political world, they too 'sell you a fear'...and then promote themselves as being the 'only remedy'....

That being said, I don't think that people who 'water down the truth', for whatever reason, be it in 'religion' or politics, should be given much credibility....and we are NOT THAT stupid, as not to be able to come to terms with ourselves, and the community we share existence with...on this ball, spinning in space....

The unspoken '800 pound gorilla in the room' is that in the political world, there is a notion that THEY are the ones to reign supreme, and they must 'eradicate' any influence(s), that 'religion' may have to offer....notwithstanding that we have our sense of justice and mercy, from living in a culture, whose basis is rooted in fairness, whose principles were bannered, in those...but the 'source' is now our enemy?????????

As you previously have pointed out, LOVE, IS the mindset, to ANY higher understanding...and along with that, the politicos exploit patriotism, and couple it to their agendas...while 'religions', hide behind 'Love'....and hide what it is and can do.
Politics may TRY and promote fairness....but NOBODY can legislate LOVE......but they can 'pretend'......

John P: "Until we have a world government that can force the compliance of all nations we will have war."

See?? ..." ..force the compliance of all nations.."

OK, you want to 'force compliance'???.....the people to whom you do that to will cry, "Rape"...and accuse each other of abuse.....just take a look around!

Lighter: "... the one I happen to have been born into is one of the most necessary & least evil. To people all over the world, it means wealth & freedom"...

One might examine, 'How we measure 'wealth''...because if it is measured solely with materialism, pursuing it might just cost one their an individual, a culture..a society..a nation...
"In America, people have confused the 'pursuit of happiness' with the 'pursuit of material gain'.
(I am not refuting your post)

Musket: "I wouldn't expect anything too deep and meaningful from Goofus. I am not joking when I mention how comedy TV programmes over here get plenty of mileage out of the loony right and Jesus & gun brigade over your way.
Reading the likes of Goofus, blaming "liberals" for existing just puts context into our evening entertainment...."

Self explanatory....

Musket, Have you considered seeking professional help?? Not EVERYTHING is considered through the prism of 'talking points'....

Have a Great Day All!!