The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29031   Message #367769
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Jan-01 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conservative Cavalry Enroute!
Subject: RE: BS: Conservative Cavalry Enroute!
Hey, Dan Rather doesn't talk like that! Dan Ratherski must be the dark side of Dan Rather...

Nice to hear the word "bombast" though, not to mention "hyperbole". What marvelous words.

- LH

Kat - You need not fear for Canadian society as long as we remain an independent country. People are decidedly moderate up here, and are happy to mix socialism and capitalism into a harmonious brew. There just aren't enough conservative curmudgeons in this country to swing things their way on the federal level, although they did manage to get a provincial government elected in Ontario back in the 90's.

That government has since managed to damage the health care system and the educational system very severely in its efforts to chase, worship, and adore the almighty dollar...and people don't appreciate it one bit. The Conservatives don't have a dog's chance in hell of winning the next election in this province.

To put it simply, they have put their own government's financial house in order by eviscerating public services, and by downloading provincial expenses and responsibilities on municipal governments that cannot afford to pay those expenses in the first place. Call it "robbing Peter to pay Paul."

This was the program they ran on, and they called it the "common sense revolution". They were greatly assisted through the whole period by a bouyant American economy (which always helps Canada). Ironically enough, that American economic boom happened during Clinton's term of office, and Mike Harris'es Conservatives in Ontario hate Clinton and consider the Republicans to be their blood brothers. Funny, ain't it?

Now the US media is talking about a looming recession, just as Dubya gets ready to take over. Must be some kind of leftist plot to screw up his term of office! Either that, or it's the right laying the financial groundwork to cut what social services you have left and privatize absolutely EVERYTHING in the name of fiscal responsibility! Let's all get paranoid... Yes, soon you will have to hire your own private police (for a hefty fee), pay for every road you drive on (or walk), get thrown into debtor's prison if you can't, and so on...glorious free enterprise!

Recession? Phooey! The public should just refuse to play along and keep spending like usual, but I doubt that will happen.

- LH