The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155666   Message #3678314
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-Nov-14 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: The Song Carriers - Ewan MacColl (1968)
Subject: RE: The Song Carriers - Ewan MacColl (1968)
"McColl wrote good songs and was a passable singer but his "fantasies" were pure British imperialism"
The first two statements are a matter of opinion - the latter is utter nonsense.
The reason for MacColl changin his name are numerous, the choice of that name is connected with the Scots literary movement, when Scots poets and authors changed their names to acknowledge their Scots heritage - Christopher Murray Grieve became Hugh MacDiarmid and James Leslie Mitchel chose the name Lewis Grassic Gibbon
Far from having anything to do with "British Imperialism" it was an acknowledgement of their Scots roots.
MacColl was born in Salford of Scots parents, one Highland and one Lowlands, his roots were Scots and his home environment was Scots - the area of Salford he lived in was a Scots enclave - that was his cultural background
As that fine old Imperialist, The Duke of Wellington, one remarked about his being born in Ireland, "being born in a stable doesn't make you a horse".
I do wish people would check their facts before.....!!
Jim Carroll