The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156050   Message #3679195
Posted By: Musket
22-Nov-14 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: Patriotism
Subject: RE: Patriotism
He insults and abuses whole sections of society.

I reserve my vitriol for criminal scum like him. He lowers Mudcat to the gutter by his presence. If Mudcat was hosted in The UK or if the moderators here thought that bigotry and homophobia wasn't free speech, his account would have been closed a long time ago. As it is, his incitement to hatred, spreading lies about sections of society and suggesting rounding them up is a crime where he lives. He is a British subject and subject to equality laws designed to prevent people being abused by coming across hatred agaisnt them for no reason whatsoever. I am proud to have alerted Mudcat to my ISP.

Back in your hole, pathetic worm. You were trying to tell us women drinking are asking to be raped in an adjacent thread, so it isn't just homophobia is it? Misogyny too. Do you have anyone at all who loves you? You seem to be missing something, all that twisted hatred.