The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156050   Message #3679206
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Nov-14 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: Patriotism
Subject: RE: Patriotism
Don Firth should get a C+ for his book report.

..but don't you think that FIRST you should at least reply to MY comments, that were an answer to your question....that you are trying to dodge???

So let me refresh your question, to me...and you can rebut...fair enough??

Don Firth: "...but it takes a little more effort to explain you opinion of what it is they lied about, why you think it's a lie, and what you believe the real facts are."

So here is a PARTIAL list:

Shovel ready jobs

Benghazi, YouTube video was the cause...blah blah..even in front of the U.N..and two weeks after everyone KNEW better!....and NO mention that the Benghazi office was selling arms to Syria...under the table.

"If you like your health plan...and doctor you can keep them, (shortened version).

Not a tax (Obamacare), so they falsely promoted....until the Supreme Court ruled that it was..

People would save $2500 a year under that 'plan'....their premiums AND deductibles went significantly higher!!

Jeff Immelt, fgormer head of G.E. (MSNBC), job czar, with $500 million to start jobs for the American worker, but somehow he CHINA!..No wonder Bill D watches MSNBC, for his insights!...Ya' think that MSNBC is unbiased??????...

Immigration reform, in his FIRST YEAR....when he could have EASILY done it, with both Houses of Congress, in a 'Democratic' majority..

Fast and Furious...Let's run guns to the cartels....same song and dance as Iran/Contra...

IRS, just like Nixon did..and Obama even joked about it!

Hope and Change????...Hope for WHAT??..and CHANGE to WHAT???..Try 'Bait and Switch'!!

Not that these are particularly SMALL things....and there are a lot more! But that should get you started....but you won't...You'll just come back with some meaningless drivel, slurring and slamming, those who point that out to you..with NO HONEST, or intelligent rebuttal!

Now if you can't reply, WITHOUT your USUAL semi-literate diatribes, name calling attacks, then don' is only MORE evidence that you have NOTHING!!...(ever heard THAT before?????)"


I re-iterate, which is absolutely true, and you did it, as per aforementioned:

"You'll just come back with some meaningless drivel, slurring and slamming, those who point that out to you..with NO HONEST, or intelligent rebuttal!"

Give 'er a whirl!