The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143408   Message #3679750
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
24-Nov-14 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is chongo Dead?
Subject: RE: BS: Is chongo Dead?
The truth is...and I am gonna break it to alla youse is Rapparee who is really dead. Dead from the neck up, I mean. He's been that way fer years. Yeah, he still walks around, but there ain't nothin' happenin' upstairs, see? Zero goin' on between his ears. Only nobody is reportin' it nowhere, cos Rap is, I am sorry to say, a nobody himself. So it ain't "news". The media ain't interested, coz no else is interested. In my case, me bein' a celebrity and a presidential candidate with more smarts than Obama and more guts than Teddy Roosevelt and more sex appeal than Bill Clinton...the media is very interested. And that is why Rap keeps havin' these juvenile fantasies about me bein' dead. He's jealous!