The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156050   Message #3681018
Posted By: Musket
29-Nov-14 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: Patriotism
Subject: RE: Patriotism
But you don't have a view that I wrote posts by others. Mainly because I didn't and as you read this on the internet, where you get all your judgements anyway, you can now stop lying.

My posts are being deleted on this thread whilst posts from bigots, lying about me remain. Comments about the other Muskets are too. To clarify, only Musket Ian tends to write in the music section, the other two of us, we post as guests in our names there. We all post as one below the line because we cannot believe some of the crap on the BS section as being fitting for an excellent music website, so we take the piss.

Pathetic that gay people can have distressing lying hatred written about their sexuality but when they reply, they get deleted. The homophobic bigots can print lies and distortions but then complain about those who stand up to them.

Mudcat? I doubt Max meant it this way. It isn't Max's fault that a criminal posts hatred and a UKIP member defends him, says he is a member, then says he isn't, then supports homophobia on these threads whilst saying he isn't.

Then we are subjected to a concerted effort by them both to let them post their hatred and contempt? If you hadn't noticed, if Musket didn't challenge you, there are plenty others on here who see you both for what you are. And what you are is laid out clearly and precisely in your own posts.

I repeat. None of the three people posting as Musket are the person posting as Seaham Cemetery. That said, I believe Musket Ian knows him, and knows his father very well. I certainly don't. I live in Scotland for starters and have never met him. The other two Muskets were at our wedding a few weeks ago here in Inveraray.