The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156050   Message #3681507
Posted By: Don Firth
01-Dec-14 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: Patriotism
Subject: RE: Patriotism
Once again Goofball reveals the awesome extent of his ignorance and arrogance (note, the two often go together). Throughout history, certain works of fiction and the themes therein have often had a powerful influence on subsequent historical events.

Ayn Rand is one such author. Her philosophy of selfishness and greed has found a home in the ideas and actions of many in politics today who are eagerly attempting to influence events and create the kind of society that Ayn Rand wrote about--in her fictional novels.

AND in her subsequent works of non-fiction, such as The Virtue of Selfishness and Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.

Goofus serves the purpose of demonstrating that by shooting off one's mouth, one can wind up with a foot riddled with bullet holes.

Don Firth