The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156239 Message #3683534
Posted By: GUEST,Rahere
08-Dec-14 - 08:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am not an historian but........
Subject: RE: BS: I am not an historian but........
I tried constructive criticism and it got me nowhere, you pig-ignorant excuse for a human being. You started this thread hoping for my neutral opinion, which did not suit you so you disregarded it. I am a historian and I was by profession a senior staffer of the European Defence HQ, and yet you insisted on putting words in my mouth saying that all "professional military historians" were of your opinion - which cartwheels into the bargain. That is utterly insulting, and given you won't listen to anyone or move one iota, it's time to tell you to shut the fuck up and stop annoying everyone. We've gragged you kicking and screaming into a spot where you had to admit you're not a historian, the historians here have told you in qualified terms to desist, and still you keep going, so it's time tpo become less moderate and risk the annoyance of the moderators in telling you like it is. There is no point in entering into debate with you, you've abused the norms of debate to an utterly intolerable level and it's time for you to stop.