The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156088   Message #3684627
Posted By: Teribus
11-Dec-14 - 07:38 AM
Thread Name: WWI, was No-Man's Land
Subject: RE: WWI, was No-Man's Land
Thanks in turn "GUEST - 11 Dec 14 - 06:24 AM"

To "Musket" / "Muskets" - can well believe your story it matches well to the persona:

1: - An over-weight, fat, bald, bespectacled, bully too weak to stand on his own two feet.

2: - A weak sycophantic, smart arse incapable of any original thought

3: - A weak sycophantic git, the classic bully's shadow.

By the way Musket it is RED CAPS - RED CAPS Musket they have always been known as RED CAPS

For the RAF their Military Police have always been known as SNOW DROPS

For the Royal Navy the Regulators Branch have always been known generally by Officers as the Shore Patrol and by "Jack" as the Crushers.

Perhaps you should read a bit more Muskets - you might just learn something.