The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29213   Message #3685199
Posted By: GUEST
12-Dec-14 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sarasponda (child's/Girl Scout song)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sarah Spunda / Sarasponda (child's song)
I thought I remembered it from junior high, when we learned some songs to sing at a grade school. But my weak mind has remember it differently, of course. I believe I'm wrong but I wanted to share. I love lyrics heard wrong sort of things!

Sara spun the, Sara spun the,
Sara spun the red sunset.

Sara spun the, Sara spun the,
Sara spun the red sunset.

Adoray oh adoray boom day oh
Adoray boom dey red sunset

Hosay posay oh.
