The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156239   Message #3686443
Posted By: Teribus
17-Dec-14 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am not an historian but........
Subject: RE: BS: I am not an historian but........
Psssst "our attitude, both government and family, towards The Kaiser had" S.F.A. influence or impact on what Kaiser Wilhelm II was all for pushing Emperor Franz Joseph into in the spat between Austria and Serbia - on that subject the opinions, attitudes and policies of the Government of Great Britain didn't feature at all.

With regard to ""poor little Belgium." We were busy negotiating an imperial pact with Belgium to help them out of their empire hole."

Really?? What imperial pact was that then Muppet?

And pray tell which incompetent military leaders in Great Britain or in France were assuring their greedy governments "that "going for gold" will sustain the empire and give German imperialism a bloody nose." - or is all this tripe just more Musket made-up-shit.

As for Boer War/ Great War similarities I just can't wait for the astounding degree of incomprehension that the three of you will demonstrate over this.

You know it really is funny that for all our incompetence, all our uselessness, we do tend to learn from our mistakes and learn rather quickly at that. Or have I got things wrong and that in reality the Boers won the Boer War and that it was the Germans who were victorious in 1918.

Another funny thing is that under the direction of Lord Kitchener amazingly enough between August 1914 and the end of 1915 absolutely no work had been done to raise Britain's first citizen army and that not a single rifle, machine-gun, artillery piece or any ammunition had been produced and that how as if seemingly by magic after his death David Lloyd George in the space of a few weeks had managed to create a fully equipped and trained army of some 1.8 million - amazing eh?