The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28892   Message #368686
Posted By: Bradypus
04-Jan-01 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 47
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 47
Sorry I'm late - we've had a very busy Christmas holiday.

Snow Business

There's no business like snow business
And snow business is fine
Snow men and snow women
Are cool, and they're sublime
There's no people like snow people
And snow people are good
But academic insights simply miss the mark
We've been misunderstood

There's no business like snow business
It comes round every year
People building snowmen in their own back yard
They're working hard, don't mark their card
With a PC paintbrush they have all been tarred
It makes no sense, I fear

There's no people like snow people
And snow people are grand
But if you've been reading what is in the press
It's such a mess, I must confess
Decent snowmen everywhere it does depress
It's all so out of hand

There's no people like snow people
There's no black, they're all white
No-one in their right mind wants a snowman black
My jaw hangs slack at this attack
When it comes to gender there's a plain sense lack
Snow men should be all right

There's no business like snow business
On hills, valleys and moors
People build a snowman, it's the simple thing
Not posturing, common sense is king
Academics snooping, can you please take wing
It's no business of yours !