The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155651   Message #3687552
Posted By: wysiwyg
21-Dec-14 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: USA, Black Lives Lost in Police Actions
Subject: RE: USA, Black Lives Lost in Police Actions (renamed)
I would ask Sawzaw's usual pissing-contest partners to leave those posts for my reply as soon as I can get to them. There is some thinking in the posts I would like to address, and I agree that ad hominem attacks are never helpful.


GUEST 20 Dec 14 - 09:24 PM,

I do not agree that gangs are responsible for deeply internalized white biases that preceded gangs in the US and that have killed people where gang activity is nil. This is why I disagree:">The Science of Why Cops Shoot Young Black Men


GUEST 20 Dec 14 - 11:07 PM,

REMEMBER, not one police officer has been killed since Trayvon Martin was murdered, while several Black men and children have been.

1. I applaud the great restraint exercised since Trayvon Martin's death. Indeed I applaud the great restraint of Blacks since their arrival in the US in captivity, though it pains me to know how much that restraint has cost them and that it arises partly from fear
2. I deplore that Black friends are having to shout loudly that they are against the murder of these two officers AS IF they would not OF COURSE have NOT wanted for it to have happened, AS IF they must now share responsibility due to their skin color. This is another example of racism-- the co-opting of news to try to take the attention away from the peaceful and effective protests (multiracial, too) that have been so powerful of late.
