The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28624   Message #3687680
Posted By: GUEST,Tony
22-Dec-14 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: Versions: So Be Easy and Free When You're Drinkin'
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: So Be Easy and Free When You're. . .
Oh, my name is McCann. I'm a canny, gaunt man,
though a dashing young rover I've been.
I've had acres of land. I've had ships at command.
And I'm happy to call you my friend.
So come fill up your glass with whiskey or wine.
And whatever the price, I will pay.
And be easy and free while you're drinking with me.
I'm a man you won't meet every day.

And it's oft have I strolled, till the morning bells tolled,
singing songs with a bottle and a friend.
So get up off your knee and come strolling with me,
and together we'll sing without end.
Let us catch well the hours and the minutes that fly.
Let us share them so long as we may.
And be easy and free while you're singing with me.
I'm a man you won't meet every day.

By the light of the moon and an old fiddler's tune
that I'll sing with a cry and a shout
if you'll count one two three and come step out with me,
and we'll dance till the stars all burn out.
Then leap high in the air and come down with a twirl.
Never think what people may say.
And be easy and free while you're dancing with me.
I'm a man you won't meet every day.