The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156239   Message #3688208
Posted By: GUEST,Gervase
23-Dec-14 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am not an historian but........
Subject: RE: BS: I am not an historian but........
I keep telling you. He only has two books and one isn't coloured in yet. Give the man a chance!
Cor. You're a roistering roustabout of a keyboard warrior, aren't you? Or are you? You might be a snivelling piece of pusillanimity, getting his jollies by sticking his tongue out at the grown-ups. With a moniker like that it's hard to tell. Hang fire or squib?
Now tell me. What are the chances of you saying that to Keith in the flesh. To his face. Of squaring up to him in a public space and letting rip with that sort of thing, without a pseudonym behind which to hide?
I post under my own name, and many of the older lags here have met me and know who I am. Care to put your name into the public domain?
I thought not.