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Thread #156419   Message #3688411
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
21-Feb-15 - 12:20 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: fat B****rd
Date: 03 Jan 15 - 01:22 PM

Finally made a start. Nowt exciting. To the charity shop; loads of t- shirts that belonged to somebody smaller than me, various other items of clothing that I no longer wear, dozens of cards of various occasions and lots of old correspondence shredded.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 03 Jan 15 - 02:28 PM

One thing about holding onto stuff - last week I found a fancy gift box propped at the back of the hall closet that held a size medium pullover knit top my sister sent years ago. For a long time I wouldn't have been able to wear it but I have lost weight. When tried on last week I find it fits perfectly and I'll now wear it.

I gained weight because of my insurance company - they stopped paying for a compounded Rx and said I needed to use a commercial product instead, but over time of the wrong amounts I put on weight. I finally went back to my compound and pay more to get it but have managed to lose the weight. I'm getting close to my target now as far as the clothes stored in my closet. When clothes become too large I donate them to the thrift store and I pull out more of my smaller sizes. I'm glad I kept those clothes, and that I did myself the favor of choosing just the best to keep and packing them in closed bins to keep them free of dust.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: fat B****rd
Date: 03 Jan 15 - 04:33 PM

SRS, I hope one day I'll have clothes that are too large! Well done you.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Rumncoke
Date: 03 Jan 15 - 04:41 PM

No - I think I have seen a cartoon of The BFG on TV - and I see that Esiotrot, which was on TV recently, but I did not see, was also written by him.

My instructor had started work driving a taxi - he had driven some very famous and very rich people - one particular one who was both rich and famous gave him a tip of three pence after he'd carried his bags for him at a time when an ordinary fare would have given him sixpence without the carrying...

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 03 Jan 15 - 06:17 PM

Dahl wrote a lot of adult short stories and was a regular in places like Playboy magazine. There are several collections that were published in his lifetime. "Parson's Pleasure" appeared in the collection Kiss Kiss and was first printed in the American magazine Esquire. It involves characters who appear in a number of his short stories.

Several out-of-date tech books are now in the recycle bin, and a couple of obscure devices without drivers are now in my tech recycling bag (for delivery to a bin we have at work for such items).

Toward a fitness goal I rearranged furniture to make more space for exercise in the living room in front of the television and found a sturdy box I built ages ago that will now be used for step exercises (originally built to place a desktop personal computer on under a desk).


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 03 Jan 15 - 09:41 PM

I still have no idea where to look for that particular screwdriver and it is #$%^&* COLD in the storage area. So I just gave in to reading and computering and inertia.

R arrived about 8 and checked on the water/freezing and all was well so far. This am we were late up and slow at BF but I did dishes with hot water from the distant tap while he fixed a hole in the wall of sunroom that was letting cold air in. Cold as it is, it will be colder, at times, between now and May.

Life in the slow lane today. A light lunch and then off to the restaurant in response to an email from Geri. We had to tell the waitress we had just had lunch! The r is empty in mid-aft so we had a nice visit with G and another friend, stopped by auction house but nothing interesting in tomorrow's auction - thankfully. Auction-aholism is a disease akin to hoarding. Then the library where I borrowed a few and R bought a $2 bagful. So we are back to reading and computering and "have you checked the water?"   

Maybe tomorrow we will get to putting a piece of heavy plastic across the studio to diminish the space needing heating. Not as good as a solid wall but it will help. And R knows where the screwdrivers are - his anyway.

Mouse #7 gone. I am not sure but what mice are easier than ants. 17F here but going up to 48 tomorrow and rain. Then back down and WAY down mid week! May be a good idea to find my down coat tomorrow.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 04 Jan 15 - 02:24 PM

Weather reports! Today we are at freezing with freezing rain. Good reason to stay in bed! We were late up and had a nice omelet for BF and R brought me a bucket of hot water so I washed the dishes. Also changed eggshell saving method.   Not going anywhere today!

R has to fix roof leak before working on studio. BUT I found a screwdriver!!!! So I shall do that task next.

We are still promised a big drop in temp tonight. May get flurries - on top of frozen roads! I may not go to city tomorrow. Need to:return books to city library, do laundry, replace that oven element and maybe go to Apple store to inquire about upgrade so I can get facetime and better Safari...

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 04 Jan 15 - 02:31 PM

This de-cluttering story just came through on clayart:

Once upon a time there was king that lived in a grass house in a very poor country.

He was a good king, the people loved him very much.

His throne was very small, so the people decided to give him a larger throne on his birthday.

Being very frugal, the king didn't want to throw the old throne away.

So he stored it in the attic.

A year later the people gave him a larger throne on his birthday.

Again, the king didn't want to throw the old throne away, so he stored it in the attic too.

A few days latter the attic floor gave way from all the weight, and the thrones fell through.

Landed on the kings head, killing him.

The moral of the story is,

People who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: fat B****rd
Date: 04 Jan 15 - 03:06 PM

Leaped from between the sheets, did the usual morning things, had toast and porridge listened to Desert Island Discs. Clever lady had Howlin' Wolf amidst the Mozart! why not.
Got off me bahookie and walked to step-family house to collect mail, came back (4950 steps on my pedometer) rang friends watched football and now I'm typing this.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 04 Jan 15 - 03:21 PM

Do you have a daily goal for the pedometer, Charlie? And what is your next decluttering goal, have you thought of one for this week?

I have raised some dust this afternoon. If you asked me when was the last time that I not only dusted but polished the legs and such under the dining room table, I wouldn't be able to tell you. I don't think it is "never," but pretty close. Now I'm working on three tiers of shelves along the dining area wall. I emptied one and dusted, and now I'm leaving myself an empty one to put the next shelf's stuff back into. The old Chinese tile puzzle, enacted using shelves. I've also vacuumed the carpet and I'll vacuum once more when I finish dusting.

Headed to the kitchen for motrin and a benedryl to cope with the dust. My sinuses are protesting.

I'll have some things ready to mail tomorrow and material for lunches this week. I didn't finish everything I planned over the break, but I made inroads and can say that the house is looking much better. There will be a very large heavy-duty trash bag at the curb tomorrow morning.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: fat B****rd
Date: 04 Jan 15 - 04:06 PM

Several sources reckon that 10,000 steps is a good number to walk effectively for calorie burning and some fitness. I believe I covered almost 2 miles to-day. Due to an arthritic knee I can't run, but I'll be at the gym tomorrow and do a bit of checking on the treadmill regarding calories, steps and distance.
In regard to sinusitis I've actually been doing some yoga off of YouTube. Impossible if you've got a cold. but they seem to work otherwise

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 04 Jan 15 - 06:37 PM

Add pedometer to list of things to do in city. Then maybe I will find the one I have somewhere!

vacuumed outside of air cleaner. Supposed to be done monthly but it has been almost 18 months because I am afraid to vacuum due to dust; It was actually looking fuzzy so I used a little portable vac with good filter but not great suction; conversed with R about what I need in the way of a - small shop vac with HEPA filter. I had one but he took it and wrecked it and replaced it w/out filter. So I have not vacuumed in about 5 years, except when we had one that exhausted outdoors - around here somewhere - maybe.

Sat in sunroom and watched some lovely pink clouds in a piece of blue sky - then it all went DARK!

Fixed sewing machine. Still dicey, prob wear on the connecting metal pieces. Maybe I'll break down and ask advice. My mother gave me this machine - Singer Featherweight - when I graduated from high school (1954). It has never had a problem other than this. Pretty good for 60 years.

Was really a disappointment not to have that warmer day. NOW it is 42F and dropping to 14 tonight. But all day there was freezing rain. I was not energized.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 04 Jan 15 - 07:30 PM

You can get sewing machines repaired, and those featherlights are worth their weight in gold to many people who sew a lot, quilters in particular. I have a old White that is really sturdy that I keep running with occasional trips to the repair center.

This afternoon I installed a software program I've been meaning to for weeks. I also cleared out several gig of photos and files that were on the desktop (that is part of the C: drive), moving them to the D: data drive and pointing desktop shortcuts back to them. My new solid state drive is the C: and is much faster than the HDD from before. It doesn't have unlimited space so is only for programs, not data. Virtual decluttering.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Rumncoke
Date: 04 Jan 15 - 07:36 PM

Our house is a Victorian red brick villa, quite large, for a UK house.

A few years ago now we had the wall cavity filled with polystyrene balls as insulation - the windows are double glazed and the roof insulated, so our heating costs, using gas central heating are unusually low - we always need to get the supplier to tone down the payments when we change as they want us to pay far more than necessary at first.

It makes the house very comfortable as there are no cold spots.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: pattyClink
Date: 04 Jan 15 - 08:50 PM

Well I love the grass house story, and having been almost squooshed by some stacked up 'why-was-this-kept' stuff, I can relate.

A small pile of boxed up books is now out of the room-to-be-painted, still lots to go but a little daily progress is the best I can do. A little putting away, a little sorting, a little wallpaper steaming. A lot of workout at the gym.

Listening to Jean Redpath on the radio, a good way to start the evening.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: GUEST,VaTam on phone
Date: 05 Jan 15 - 08:00 AM

Bathroom sparkling
Hall dusted and vacuumed
Kitchen deep clean started

Main bedroom under bed did not get done. Chri was working on edexcel verification.

Will start one end of lounge this evening after work.

Sticking better food intake. Lunch is all raw veg and fresh fruit.
Can't walk at lunch due to some injury I've done to right ankle.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: GUEST,#
Date: 05 Jan 15 - 08:11 AM

"Was really a disappointment not to have that warmer day."

If you ever find a weather channel that is accurate, please let folks know.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 05 Jan 15 - 12:46 PM

I decluttered stuff out of the house this morning to redistribute at the library. Two boxes of latex gloves that are a bit small for me are in the FabLab ("be sure to clearly label them LATEX in case of allergies"), some stuff for the e-waste bin (batteries and a couple of old computer adapter things that no longer have drivers that can be found). And a bottle of carpet cleaner that I never used. We have carpet in our office so maybe someday someone will use it there, or take it home, whatever. That clears the bench beside my door, one that was originally put there to sit on when changing shoes. Every little bit really does help.

A large bag at the curb this morning was the result of cleaning over the break. I took bags of stuff to the village recycling area several times. There was a bulky old terrycloth bathrobe that I was thinking about reworking (it was quite worn and the collar was almost frayed off) but instead I bundled it up and stuffed it into an old pillowcase and tossed it into the dogs' stall in the garage. They have old cotton towels, clothes, and bedding to sleep on instead of hay (because I learned that the coastal hay has been treated with an herbicide). Since the vet recommended using cotton scraps I've managed to migrate quite a few things out. Every couple of weeks it all comes in to be washed, then back to the dogs.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: fat B****rd
Date: 05 Jan 15 - 01:38 PM

Did 38 minutes steady waking on the treadmill this morning. The digital guides are apparently just that-guides, but I clocked up, or down, 250 calories and about 4500 steps.
There is a fairly sensible train of thought that says "Why pay to go to a gym and walk when you can do it just as easily and for free outdoors". It's the word "pay" that I think is the keyword for me. if I'm paying to use a facility then I'll do it, whereas, being a lazy person I won't get up and walk out doors for an hour or so.
This afternoon shredded loads of out of date documents, sorted personal papers and wished I had a bigger wheelie bin.
Tomorrow bags of clothes to the charity shop and an assault on the bathroom!

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 05 Jan 15 - 01:43 PM

I always thought it was silly to drive to the gym and pay to workout while simultaneously paying someone else to mow your lawn, etc. Perhaps you should walk to the gym and back home without going inside or paying. :)


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: fat B****rd
Date: 05 Jan 15 - 04:37 PM

Fair point SRS, actually, I walk to the gym and back. I wish I could get out there and mow my lawn (or cut the grass as I call it). Reading your last post SRS it sounds like your house will be echoing soon. Do you have anything left to get rid of?.

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Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 05 Jan 15 - 06:33 PM

Oh, yes, there is plenty still here. I inherited stuff from several great aunts and both parents. Then there is my habit of collecting books. And paper. It goes slowly, but it goes. For seasonal exercise, my yard is a half acre so when I mow I really do get a workout. This time of year I pull out the mower every few weeks to mulch in leaves piled up in the front yard (from trees in neighboring yards, not my own!)

I enjoy visiting estate sales and garage sales and would like to reach an organizational point where I can shop for things I specialize in selling on eBay as a side business. But I need to clear out the room first. The current eBay activity is stuff from estates that I'm selling to push up my score. Lots of times when you buy or sell people don't post feedback, but good feedback is very helpful when selling better stuff. People know they aren't taking a huge risk if you have hundreds of sales and a 100% feedback score.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 05 Jan 15 - 09:16 PM

My eBay page has dwindled down to one item, and I see that it has a bid so will sell when the auction closes in three days. This is a good time to get more stuff ready to list. Setting a goal to keep your eBay pages active is one way to make yourself list the stuff you have to sell.

We have a few very cold days ahead so I will slack off of the alternate day fasting for the rest of the week. It's hard to do when your metabolism wants to run on high to stay warm. I am going to do some step exercising this evening while I watch television, and I did get one trip up to the top floor of the library today (six flights).


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 05 Jan 15 - 09:29 PM

Mill still:
The studio now has a heavy plastic across it, cutting the area needing to be heated in half. R did that before dashing off to city last night. Today, it was warm enough to work in there! I started by reorganizing and getting things ready. But not until after lunch!

I started out this am checking the water to the distant toilet. and the lamps providing heat to the area of water pipes. One bulb was burned out so I proceeded to look for one amongst the kitchen stuff moved from the cabin 18 months ago. This resulted in emptying a number of containers and placing things in the K. But no light bulbs. I also founded and sorted a pile of paper - some into recycling but most went into archives - some wonderful memories in there!

Finally turned off water to toilet, tonight, as the last time I flushed, the water only came back in a drop at a time! I can still get buckets of hot water. The studio is ready to go tomorrow. I brought some clay into warmer place so it is more pleasant on the hands! I will use warm water for throwing.

COLD today. Down to 4F now but it felt seriously cold even at 3 pm. I went to the restaurant for a visit with Geri and Sarah and the dollar store for light bulbs and was going to go to grocery but the sun was starting to set and, at a certain point, it shines directly in my eyes driving from town to the mill so I came back before it got to that point.

I feel as though I have done a good day's work. Looking forward to getting some pots thrown tomorrow.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: W y s i w y G !
Date: 05 Jan 15 - 10:37 PM

Not allergic to coconut. Pets probably. Low-level problem when there's no stress or gluten, as long as thyroid levels are right-- which they had not been since about 2nd grade.

Also I doubled the D and A and I'm smoother and softer all over.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Rumncoke
Date: 06 Jan 15 - 07:19 AM

Just doing the take down at the end of Christmas, and I noticed that my joints are improved quite a lot - thinking about it my ankles and knees have not been so painful for a while.

Since a couple of weeks after putting an extra duvet across the bottom of the bed.

I sleep with a Duvet Hauler and Hugger - the duvet often ends up turned diamond wise on the bed, he's always been the same - and I would usually have to draw up my knees and warm up my feet first thing in a morning or risk toppling over when getting out of bed.

Since adding the extra duvet I have woken up with warm feet - in fact, warm legs, and the cartilage in my knees is a lot better, doesn't need to have a few experimental bends and snappings to be ready to take my weight, the skin on my feet is less scaley, I can get up more easily having sat or squatted, and stairs are not such an obstacle. I suspect that the extra bloodflow is the reason for it, no more shutdown to conserve heat overnight.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 06 Jan 15 - 09:35 AM

I decorate one tree in the front yard for the holidays and while the timer was taken in on the first of the month, the strings of lights remain until it is both warm and dry enough to take them down. A hook over my front door holds the wreath and I turned it inward - I see the wreath in the house to serve as a reminder to eventually bring in the lights.

This morning I expected the dogs' water dish to be a brick of ice, but it wasn't even scaled over. Either I'm losing so much heat by that door that it kept the bowl warm, or more likely, it didn't get as cold as predicted. During the day while I'm at work my dogs have a heated stall in the garage. They have dog houses with cotton bedding and a dog door for coming and going into the yard.

Rum, that's quite an improvement in the circulation. Keeping the covers straight sounds like an engineering challenge.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: LilyFestre
Date: 06 Jan 15 - 12:53 PM

Yesterday Jeremiah and I went through all the books he has downstairs, which is quite a few. His book area had become a leaning tower of disaster with papers in between, random coloring book pages, puzzles, toys, etc.

We went through the books, removing stories he didn't like or books he has outgrown. I suspect we removed about 20 or so. We organized the remaining books by size and if they were board books or not. I pulled out all the holiday books and put them in a place that is easily accessible for me (the rest he can pick out at will). Toys were picked up and put away, activity books and coloring books have their own spot now as do the puzzles, magazines and his *tractor books*. We worked for quite a while on it and I am proud of us certainly is an accomplishment!

Fitness: Walked today. :) Purposeful walking with some arm motions, leg lifts, kicking, etc.

Michelle :)

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 06 Jan 15 - 05:45 PM

Finished latest novel during and after BF - had to get to the end! Sorted out a small clothing cabinet - some summer removed, others organized better. Boxed a pile of books

Then prepared about 44# clay after making lists - What colours do I use on which clays, How many of this or that do I want to have in each colour/clay. Posted those on the wall. Then list of what is needed now - preparing for Valentine's market. Then prepared the clay, had lunch and started working through the fresh balls on one of my new wheels - Love it!

Half way through (about 20#), went to town. No sign of Geri but the weather was, and is, grislich - ICY precipitation - very fine mist. Went to the full service gas station and let them fill tank while I went into the nice warm building to pay. Knowing I am becoming a real wimp.

Went to the municipal office for new schedule of waste and recycling and the info flyer. they would come in the mail if we had a mail box - some day... Returned to mill without stop at grocery; not carrying groceries on icy surface.

Came home for healthy lunch. started new novel but already read this one! Have some inclination to go throw more pots but not quite enough to make it happen. Forgot to wear protective mask and I can taste the clay. Need to do some cleaning - nasal spray for starters. So here I am deleting emails, and checking FB, etc. Three hours of wrestling with clay may be enough for today. The spirit is willing    almost. I WANT to be WARM!

16 F with a predicted drop to a high of minus 2F tomorrow and a low of -16 tomorrow night. It is not cold in here but the psychology of it seems to be daunting. Now I have to consider the fact that the studio may not be warm enough tomorrow in spite of our best efforts. Hibernation seems like the best option!

Nasal spray might help...

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: W y s i w y G !
Date: 06 Jan 15 - 06:25 PM

Rumncoke-- a Duvet Hauler and Hugger? Link?


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 06 Jan 15 - 09:01 PM

Errands run after work, but I'll have to wait till Friday to get the car inspected. I need to start setting up things for eBay, but it's supposed to be very cold overnight and I'm thinking wrapping up in a lap quilt watching television sounds like a suitable cold evening activity.

I will move some more stuff from the living room shelves, it doesn't take long to empty and dust one or two. Right now I've moved an old mantle clock to the buffet but I don't like it there so I'll put it back in the shelves. I know I have the winder key around here somewhere, and there should be a weight for the inside, but I don't know where they got to right now, so it is only on display. It keeps good time but my ex didn't like the ticking of the clock. I didn't usually wind the chimes. It seems that the darker antique furniture is falling out of favor and these dark clocks may be in the same boat. Perhaps I should put it in the cupboard and not have it out at all.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Rumncoke
Date: 07 Jan 15 - 09:21 AM

I used to try sewing a loop of tape around the bottom corner of the duvet cover, then fixing it to the foot of the bed on my side but that just got pulled on until it broke, or the duvet was pulled so tightly that it hurt my feet,

The two layers of duvet seems to be the answer, as not once has the top layer been dragged askew

I get king sized bedding for a queen sized bed, but that doesn't help.

The hauler and hugger seizes the edge of the duvet and then performs a complex manoeuvre which wraps them snuggly and securely and leaves just a skimpy triangle for anyone else sharing the cover.

I have been out every day this week, which makes a nice change.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 07 Jan 15 - 09:58 AM

I, too, have found double duvet a help! One each, in a sense. At least we have one we can hold onto!

Another white morning in southern Quebec! Including a persistent snowfall which has deposited an inch or so on my car and now the winds begin. Plenty of food in the larder but hoping the electric does not fail as this place is dependent. So is the city house but the electric has only gone off for minutes there, at the worst of times. There is talk of putting a wood stove in here - talk.... I did love my 15 years off the grid!

I am still suffering some form clay dust of yesterday. Last night, I communicated by email with the company in Ottawa re an air cleaner for the studio. Serendipitously, Robert informed me he had just entered this on their website re a particular model and would give me $100 off "because I was such a good customer". Realize I have spent near $1000 there in last 18 months! And wrote a review for masks. So, at 10 pm, I said "YES!" Have not heard back.

I shall have to do a major cleaning before introducing air cleaner. ----Sitting here visualizing how to go about that!!!!!! Buckets of hot water from other end of building? Wet/dry vac? I would go buy one if - the roads were not bad and the bridge to Valleyfield might be closed? There is a notice on line - in French and beyond by ability; will have to ask for help - after the roads clear!

What CAN I do today? Watch the sun trying to break through... Keep warm. Hope for the best. Go back to bed? Stultify? Drink green tea! Ask a friend for a translation; check. I really find it had to function - had you noticed? - when it is this cold. I tunred up heat in studio at 8 am but it is not getting warm very fast.

OK, I will ask for translation and then go check studio - with mask on.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 07 Jan 15 - 02:52 PM

My clutter factor just went up again - the university library is discarding 20,000 maps, apparently that are now digital. I went looking for those from places I've lived and worked. I could look for some more later, but my plan is to leave them in my office and winnow down from the batches I picked up to the ones I really want. The rest are being recycled. Alas. Some of these go back to the 50s. Montana, Maine, probably Pennsylvania are all in there. I picked up my home state and a few places I have worked. I have a few large frames and am thinking a couple in the hall would look interesting.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 07 Jan 15 - 08:47 PM

I did manage to clean about one third of the studio floor with a large sponge and half bucket of water. This does not mean it is CLEAN, just much cleaner than it was. It was somewhat too chilly to pot. A bitterly cold day and windy, snowy. The road was not great but I went into town (3 km) and checked mops and sponges at the hardware. A wet/dry vac would be best; Geri concurred when I caught up with her, and we went to the restaurant. A bunch of locals were there in the quiet aft and we had a couple hours of conversation - covering a variety of topics - including the bridge- now open! But the roads too bad to bother.

Came back about 5 and have accomplished only computer stuff, after checking heat in studio and turning it down a bit, and in sunroom. Here, in LR, the heater seems to be working overtime. I am wrapped in a mohair throw. Minus 11 F at 8 pm! It does not encourage me to do anything at all. The heater is so loud, I have trouble dealing with it.

I phoned Robert re air cleaner this morning - to give him credit card info. The air cleaner will be on its way tomorrow, with a extra fine HEPA filter added, so I shall stay here until it arrives. Hopefully Friday. And Robert will include a new packet of 10 filters for the small mask in the box. I seem to have left the spares in the city.

Also emailed pottery supply to check on availability of white clay. I am on last box. AOK, so I will pick it up next week - between snow storms.

It is to snow for the next couple days in any case. There were nasty whiteouts on the Montreal highway today - lots of open fields for the wind to blow across.

I am de-cluttering a box of stale cookies. I have not done this in quite a while - the cold is really debilitating. I cannot help being terrifically uncomfortable that I am totally dependent on electric. Tho, I do have a very good propane heater, if it will start. Then I would have to decide which area to heat and which to let get too cold. Or move it from one to another to try to keep all from freezing - clay or plants. Clay is more important. I long for a wood stove! I do, I do!!! We are to get propane here, eventually, for a lovely kitchen stove we bought last year; maybe a propane fireplace in LR???? Twould be helpful.

I am through eating cookies (BLEECH!) and will now drown my concerns in a novel, so to sleep. Hope everyone is warm.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: LilyFestre
Date: 07 Jan 15 - 08:51 PM

SRS, how cool that you get to pick through some of those! Old maps are so interesting!!!


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 08 Jan 15 - 10:14 AM

The really old ones aren't included, the 1940s maps (that are the only ones you see selling on eBay) are to remain in the collection. And technically one isn't supposed to sell former state materials. I found some interesting maps from my home area and from places I've worked. They are all digitized, so the only reason for keeping the paper versions is to use them in some way for display or for crafts or wrapping gifts, etc.

I know our cold isn't as long-lasting or intense as what is hitting the rest of you, but it is enough to make us slow down and hunker under the lap quilt for the duration. Right now it is 19o. Ice and snow are a low percentage in the forecast tomorrow so it may be a day to plan on staying home. If freezing rain starts before leaving for work the decision is easy, but if it starts after we're already at work it makes the drive home difficult. My car is front wheel drive, and last winter I had one of those slow icy drives home. Not. Fun. At. All. I passed other vehicles that were rolled over or on the shoulder up to the hubcaps. Not something I want to repeat.

Dance class last night went well - some complicated moves and steps were introduced and now I need to practice during the week to actually learn them, not just perform them as she reminds us as to how they go. I have some makeup classes so I'll probably go in again on Saturday and it is the same lesson. This is a pleasant form of exercise and good for the brain, learning new things.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 08 Jan 15 - 11:33 AM

Was up to midnight looking for specific glaze info. I know it is there somewhere - on the computer/in the net... Found several ways of searching but none worked. Oh, Well! Chat with R on phone - while he watched the news and I kept searching!

Turned the heat down for the night so it was only a mite chilly this am - indoors! I got up and turned the heat up and crawled back under the covers with computer to check the temp - minus 11F! Enough to make one go back to bed. But I got up and transformed the bed to sofa and continued to check FB - where I spent time responding to messages on two clay groups and checked my friends in Ontario. One is onto a new and interesting initiative that interests me - actually the son of a friend - they do grow up!

Then BF and a trip to studio to check on heat and next move. Heat is OK, I added some stabilization to one side of the plastic wall. Came back to take supplements and drink tea. Put the teapot into an insulated lunch bag. Need to know I have a warm place to come back into - Then I can go into the cold regions and come back into warmth! Off I go.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 08 Jan 15 - 11:37 AM

Oops, that was at 8 am it was minus 11. Now it is up to minus 3 with a predicted high of 9! It is a bright white day. Again the sun is trying. Does give a bit of gain in the sun room. A wondrous thing, the sun!

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Rumncoke
Date: 08 Jan 15 - 11:59 AM

All this walking seems to have given me back ache - though I did slip on the step yesterday and might have jarred my spine. I still went out today, but I used my walking poles - they are a great help and the walking seems to have loosened up my back a bit.

I have known several people who have resisted all forms of assistance despite pain and difficulty, and I suspect that all of them could have gone on enjoying going out if only they'd been willing to use a stick, or poles or even crutches. I think that one person at least would not have been entirely housebound if only - a fall might have been avoided - more exercise might have resulted in better circulation.

The only thing I need to watch is the increased appetite the fresh air gives me.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 08 Jan 15 - 12:15 PM

You'll do better eating small healthy meals in the cold weather to keep your metabolism happy. I am not trying to do the alternate day fasting this week with the cold, but I am trying to eat healthy when I do eat.

Wearing layers today, silly knit hat, mittens, etc. In this kind of weather the fashion police stay away. :)


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: W y s i w y G !
Date: 08 Jan 15 - 02:37 PM

SRS, maps leftover? Homeschoolers, FreeCycle.

Solved several lingstanding and major cold-house issues.

1 & 2: The laptop-chillpad died, so the oil rad under the desktop is out. Oil rad to cold kitchen, and unused electric lap robe now draped under it for cozy foot warming (at least until Othercat takes it over-- hope she'll share.)

3: Cold, dark bathroom, where old wiring in this PA rental limits us because no outlets work (the mice ate wiring to them, behind the medicine cabinet). Solution... two screwed-in instant outlets, where the ceiling fan had held 2 bulbs. Suspended, reflecting clamp lamps (with 60watt reflecting flood lamps) turned the 55 degree loo into 64 degree luxury.

Soup's a-simmering, dogbones et, pork roasts and liver ordered, panful of chix cooling, laundry going, date night dinner and Hobbit movie coming. Nap.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 08 Jan 15 - 04:54 PM

Susan! more good solutions!

I am trying to figure out how to get full time electric to studio without more holes for cold to creep through. Oops! one task for today was to put plastic over a door in storage area leaking BIG cold. Tomorrow.

I am through for today. The cold has me beaten. That and dealing with a thawing mini-freezer. HOW, in a below freezing space, could the freezer thaw? So I took everything out and put it into a plastic bin - over by the leaking door. Put thermometers on bin and in freezer. Both went down below freezing in minutes? Go figure. I'll check again in a bit.

This was found when I came home with $70 of frozen meat from the organic butcher, full of confidence that there was room in the freezer. I bought a lot because I actually won a $50 gift certificate on their FB page!!!!!!

Cleaned more of the studio. It did not smell of clay today! It had been a long term accumulation and I think I have it licked and ready for new air cleaner. Spent time on FB clay pages commenting and reading comments re this - like - keep your studio clean! They are right. I just let it slide because I felt so terrible for so long.

Went to library for more books. I needed some novels as I cannot always manage the more serious books; can only read a few pages of The Brain That Changes Itself before my brain goes to mush.

It was snowing again, all afternoon and still but not a lot. The road was not so good. No sign of Geri at the restaurant so I just came home to be warm - then had to deal with the freezer so now I really want to be warm!

5F now, rising to a high of 18 tomorrow. A great improvement!

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 08 Jan 15 - 10:13 PM

Managed to delete over 700 emails tonight. An interesting process as I checked to be sure I wanted to... Pretty good de-clutter when I really felt like doing nothing at all.

Other than that - a longish email to a long absent friend. Some google searches, and cooked a semi-thawed pizza in the toaster oven, half at a time. Temp rising; I was feeling cold until about an hour ago. Guess the pizza helped warm me up.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 08 Jan 15 - 11:22 PM

I was hoping we'd get freezing rain and close down this part of the state overnight, but it looks like the crud will be to the south. I may take the afternoon off anyway to have some work done on the car (annual inspection) and an early start to the weekend.

Something that came up this week: I have to de-tangle and otherwise organize the devices attached to my computer. I think the multi-port USB hub is on the fritz. The spaghetti behind the desk is phenomenal, so I'll dust and vacuum the area before I start unplugging and straightening some of these cables and electric wires. Not. Fun. At. All.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 09 Jan 15 - 11:36 AM

Happy Dance!

Got a call this morning from the Invisible Fence folks. I sent them a letter this week complaining about their not honoring the warranty on the dog collar receiver. I threatened social media, and I included a printout of the dashboard of my small blog. One-tenth of the hits are people reading about the Invisible Fence system and my dogs learning it. She said to send the receiver back and she'll include a copy of my letter and return it to the corporate office to see if they'll replace the unit.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 09 Jan 15 - 11:58 AM

Morning realization: I need to be warm sitting here, otherwise I become incapable of moving - until is is crucial.

I got up about 8 and started BF but there was no yogurt! So I dashed off to the grocery with my list. Came back, made BF and green tea, checked studio - warm enough! Been sitting eating and drinking tea and - oops - forgot supplements. Well, almost lunch time! Accomplished - long email to friend, checked emails, then the realization - turned up heater. Getting warm. Feet still icy.

It is up to 19 F! Seems so much warmer. Yesterday, I gave up on going for groceries as the cold got to me after the butcher and I just went home. Today, woke to light snow falling but dashed out and the temp was quite tolerable. Not many people out for a Friday morning at the grocery! Windy but the roads were OK - snow covered instead of icy.

My Paleo idea is not doing great. I have cut back on cheese and added in more root veggies but changed BF to an apple (cooked) 1/3 cup of muesli and yogurt. The apple warms the whole meal enough for these cold mornings and it seems to agree with body. So I am not giving up dairy - in moderation.

Veggie soup with some lentils for lunch. --- On WOW! The sky is becoming less mono-chromatic! May see a bit of sun today!!!!

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: VirginiaTam
Date: 10 Jan 15 - 10:09 AM

Flying visit. Much recovered from the dreadful snotfest. Very busy today.

Made Chris American style pancakes for his first official day of retirement. Cleaned Chris' desk in preparation for his new widescreen monitor (purchased with gift voucher from colleagues).   

Started neverending laundry carousel again. Yawn.

Altered slipper boots (Mum inlaw christmas present). They were too tight on top of her deformed second toes, so I slit them down to the end of toe and basted cotton ribbon around the top of entire opening. They have velcro across ankle to keep them on, but the area over her toes will be much more comfortable.

Hemming a pair of trousers for her now. she has grown out of her clothes (dementia has increased her appetite, especially for sweets). Dad doesn't know how to shop for her and he dare not take her out with dementia. I had to help her dress the last time I visited. So I've been picking up new, still tagged items in charity shops for her. She is very short though, hence the hemming.

Will thoroughly clean the vacuum cleaners after sewing, using orange peels to wipe inside around the filters so they smell nice. Then another attack on the lounge cleaning.

Trying not to fuss at Chris. I want to put him to work on a number of little jobs prior to the big kitchen replacement. He wants 2 weeks with no responsibilities. I just want an hour or so a week. Grumble.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 10 Jan 15 - 12:37 PM

Dorothy, the Paleo diet is one that probably needs adjusting to, and if it is as cold as you say, your metabolism is going to resist. Good luck with that.

VT, perhaps after a day or two of nothing he'll be looking for something to do.

The "laundry carousel" is underway here. Good way to put it. Lots of picking up, twisting, dropping. Not as cold today so I'm going to do a modified fasting day. I was thinking about going to a makeup dance class today but in the end slept really late (for me). Makeup sleep on the weekend. My exercise will be practicing a couple of steps (I got a CD of the music she uses) and general house work and a couple of forays into the yard.

eBay needs attention, I mailed the last item listed yesterday. Plenty to do.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 10 Jan 15 - 04:23 PM

Alas, the combination of wearing more socks in cold weather and static electricity in the dryer means I have several orphan socks. Their mates are no doubt tucked into warm static-y sleeves, corners of sheets, or stuck to towels and not noticed when folded. They will eventually turn up.

Off to the market to shop frugally. What else can I do on this trip? There are things in my donate bin to drop off. I need to clean out the car, so will take a trashbag with me. Though gas prices have about halved in the last couple of months, I still don't want to waste it with single-stop trips. I paid $1.76 a gallon last week, and though I'm driving an economy vehicle, not the old pickup, I work to conserve.

I have to renew the annual vehicle registration and I pay cash at a local Hispanic grocery store service desk. They have great produce so I'll plan on making guacamole and eating some good squash, plantain bananas, and peppers - they also have a bakery with some tempting crispy cinnamon sugar Buñuelos that I'm a sucker for. Not glazed like in the recipe, but still not healthy.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Rumncoke
Date: 11 Jan 15 - 08:35 AM

I left a part used pack of peas out last night - the memory is not what it was, so it is going to become pea soup with the last bits of the roast chicken thrown in.

I do need to cut back on the carbs, I have put on weight since I needed to have bread available every day for my husband to have sandwiches when he comes in from work and then he only wants dinner late.

I can resist anything but temptation.

These days my diet is considered high fat, but I do notice how other people are huddled up in coats, hats, scarves and gloves and they are still feeling the cold when I am finding the temperature perfectly comfortable for a casual walk along to the shops.

Our fuel prices have fallen, but they are mostly made up of tax, so they will always be far higher than those in the US. There is talk that it will be down to under a pound a litre (35 fluid ounces) during this year, but I'll believe that when I see it. It has been fun to see the price down by a penny each time I go past the garage - well almost every time.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: W y s i w y G !
Date: 11 Jan 15 - 11:13 AM

My man not only bought me a slew of new bras (driving 2 hours each way to find them), but is doing the alterations needed to make them fit RIGHT. We bought 9 and 3 are altered, pending the mailbox arrival of another style or two we de=cided to try before alteraing any more of the remaining 6. (He credits his 8th grade home ec teacher, who was cutting-edge back in the day. She insisted that no girl would leave her class not knowing how to use a drill, and no boy without knowing how to use a sewing machine.)

I know HOW to sew, but past planning and cutting I'm a klutz. So we do projects partner-wise, and I'm COMFY for the first time in..... years and years.

Anybody else remember those bra conversations with Kat?


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 11 Jan 15 - 11:15 AM

I went to a social event at the library on Friday and by yesterday my hands had broken out in the classic coconut allergy dermatitis response. Perhaps they used it making the cheese cake? I thought I steered clear of everything suspect. And last night I ate a pint of ice cream. My bad. Sometimes that devil rests temporarily on your shoulder. I'll climb more stairs this week. :)

One of the textbooks listed last month (so they'd be in place for the new semester) sold yesterday, so into the mail on Monday. The price I listed was close to what others list for in the marketplace, but probably a lot less than I paid for it when my son was at the university over the last few years. But it IS more than the bookstore would buy it back for. The trick is to sell them while they're still being used in classes or they're only expensive doorstops. (I ran the list by him and held back any he wanted to keep).

While I'm at it is an eBay kind of day, and in the background the laundry continues for the dog beds.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 12 Jan 15 - 01:27 AM

Two bags of trash at the curb (a lot for me!) and most chores finished. A book is packed to ship for tomorrow. I have finished dusting shelves in my living room but haven't finished arranging what should stay on them.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 12 Jan 15 - 02:12 PM

I have reached the point of "I don't WANT to go back to the city"! Was going to go "as soon as the air cleaner arrives". It arrived about 10 and the nice man put it into the door closer to the studio, I had turned the heat up in the studio so I could work, then down because I was leaving, now up again as it is snowing and it is warm enough to work but tomorrow is going DOWN! And be sunny. So... ????

Really want to finish the current novel - a page turner. That would kill the day....

Well, survived yet another year. We celebrated by R being on time for the music on Friday. I had told him that was what I wanted for my b-day. Then a quiet morning of talking on Sat. and supper with Geri at the restaurant. Then a lazy day on Sunday when he gave me a lovely pair of earrings (from thrift shop) and yet another lamp shade (from thrift shop) for the dragon lamp, which I cannot find at the moment so we could not try it. We have bought about 10 shades for this wonderful little lamp - from a yard sale. This latest seems to be made of translucent white shell, which I love. The earrings may also be shell - that sort with beautiful blue and green patterning.

I did a few days worth of dishes after R brought me a bucket of hot water. Geri visited in the late afternoon. R spent most of the day on computer so I read. We studied on a property for sale and finally emailed the realtor who responded that it already has a conditional offer. Oh well.

We have solved my toilet-99-steps-away problem with a commode from the parents' home, tucked into the living space - so I don't have to put on coat, etc to use it. A great relief!

The freezer problem, we discovered after R moved another frig up from the other end of the building, was only the plug on the ext. cord. Problem solved.

OK, not going anywhere today. Watching the snow fall and reading, and potting, she says hopefully.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Rumncoke
Date: 13 Jan 15 - 06:29 AM

Despite my 'rule' that things go out and not come into the house, I bought a poor little house plant at the supermarket.

It is a dwarf cyclamen, and it was as limp as a beached jellyfish and marked down from 4 pounds to 40 pence.

I took it home, gave it some rainwater and put it under a bright light - it being already dark outside.

In a few hours it had perked up wonderfully and only a few of the flowers were lost.

As a student of biology I can keep cycleamen alive for many years, and they get better all the time. I have a photo of a full size one I had back in the early 80s, having been given it in the late 1970s, which had over 100 flowers on it one year. It only died because the wicked lovebirds cut all the leaves off it to wear in their feathers.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: W y s i w y G !
Date: 13 Jan 15 - 08:20 AM

DP: We have solved my toilet-99-steps-away problem with a commode from the parents' home, tucked into the living space - so I don't have to put on coat, etc to use it. A great relief!

Great solution!

I'm going in the opposite direction. The Sept, 2012 surgery left a lot of nerve damage. I wasn't incontinent, but a bit leaky upon arising and walking; it took until I was at the one-floor Ohio house, for a long period, to get the muscles trained right for the multiple overnight trips to the loo. I got rid of one portable room accommodation there, and was able to get rid of the much more difficult one in our PA bedroom when I got home. BUT, if we needs em, we puts em! One of the PA portables goes to Ohio for a guest bedroom!


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Charmion
Date: 13 Jan 15 - 08:23 AM

Very cold in Ottawa today, so I'm working on a book manuscript -- too chicken to face the real world. By mid-afternoon I will be so stiff in the hip joints from sitting at my desk that I will have to get up and do something active. What a good time to vacuum and dust the bedrooms!

This house is amazingly dusty, and I cannot figure out why. We have the ducts cleaned regularly and the windows stay shut in winter. There are only two of us, and two cats, so we should not be generating the snowstorm of dead skin that would account for the constant layer of particulate matter.


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 13 Jan 15 - 01:09 PM

I've also brought home small plants on last-chance sale and nursed them to robust health. It's something I've been able to do more lately since I didn't get more cats after the last two died. They were really hard on plants and/or places where plants were placed. They either ate them or knocked them over. Or both.

That cold weather to the north has seeped into North Texas but would be a lot more tolerable if it didn't also bring a heavily overcast sky. Ugg.

Once again I'm sending the dog collar receiver back to the company that sells it (as part of a dog containment system). My complaint (written early this month) brought about a call and they are going to send the unit along with that letter to the corporate office to see if they will approve replacing it. The warranty supposedly doesn't include owner errors and my dispute is that I didn't break it by over-tightening, the dogs broke it by rough-housing. I'm working at home today and waiting on the mail carrier so I can hand it over and save a trip to the post office. I hope he gets here soon, I feel a nap coming on. ;-)


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: fat B****rd
Date: 14 Jan 15 - 12:09 PM

Hello again. Since I was last here I've managed to re-organize my pantry, throw out loads of stuff and do 55 minutes brisk walking on the treadmill at the gym.
I've done my good deed for the year by collecting all my step family's washing and dealing with that. With two adults and two children my Hotpoint has been begging for mercy.
The diet is on hold for a while as I have stuff to use up but at least I haven't gained any weight (Oh what a good boy, am I).
I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that getting rid of some items tends to cause a sentimental tug on the heart strings but, with certain exceptions, I try not to put more store in objects than I do in emotions.
Generally it's been an enjoyavble week and I look forward to more reports.
Take care all of you
ATB from Charlie.

Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 14 Jan 15 - 01:21 PM

Sorting items that still have good use from items that have sentimental meaning is one way to start decluttering. There is a helpful book by Don Aslett called Clutter's Last Stand that examines not only how to declutter, but the psychology of how it got to be cluttered in the first place. This book has been out for a while so used copies abound and are inexpensive. He has several books on this topic (spun off from a single chapter in a book he wrote about cleaning in general).


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: W y s i w y G !
Date: 14 Jan 15 - 04:04 PM

I deadheaded the amaryllis and paperwhites today, and set the 2 pots no longer flowering in the sunny window to store up energy for next year. The still-flowering three are right beside me.

One potful of paperwhites's foliage got WAAAAY too tall, so I put a plastic cage around the base of them cut from a plastic vinegar half-gallon. That also gave me a free funnel for the periodic springwater transfers to gallon jugs.

I pruned a HUGE work-related project today by assigning most of its public functions to an alter ego, and that cleared the decks to resume work on the Blue Songbook. This week's offertory from it will memorialize Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley Jones, who was killed by Detroit police when they raided the wrong house:


Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-+2015+-January-March
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 14 Jan 15 - 10:48 PM

Trimmed butter dish bottoms yesterday then pulled myself together for a trip to the city. Lots of empty jugs for water, lots of laundry. Stopped and library, returned and borrowed. Got to very cold (54F) house, off loaded stuff, started laundry and distiller and turned up oven - with door open to help heat. The dryer did not even want to start, the laundry room was so cold I had to put the detergent in the K to warm so it would pour!

Told R: -Go get an ext cord and a cube heater - then you can have supper. He did and he did. Ever thankful for the heating pad chronically in bed.

four loads of laundry, one left in dryer this am. Re-loaded car with many jugs od water for the studio, the distiller, dry laundry, pots needing finishing and set off for Market -apples and veggies, Pottery supply - 7 boxes of white clay and a couple new tools and thence across the bridge toward mill with stop to make new keys for studio; Vanessa lost her keys, tried for an oven element- no luck. went to bank and got down in time for a visit with A