The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3688937
Posted By: LilyFestre
22-Feb-15 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
It has been a crazy month here. My nana was transported to the hospital about 2 or 3 weeks ago which in my small family means we all drop what we are doing and go help in whatever way we can. Jeremiah and I drove down in my car and my mom went in hers just in case I needed to leave early or she had to do one thing and I needed to do another (it's amazing what 3 strong minded aunt included) can accomplish together. Anyway....we stayed at my nana's and drove the 80 mile round trip daily except for two of the days due to weather (extreme cold/snow). When they were ready to release her, they said that she was too weak to be home alone and needed rehab. Nana and the 3 of us decided that it was best to have a medical transport bring her north to the town where my mom lives (30 miles or so from me) to a nearby nursing home where she has been before. She knows the staff and has made several friends there. When she arrived, the transport guys said they had never seen such a welcome reception! It does the heart good to know she is at a place where she is treated well, where we can and do visit often (mom goes daily) and Nana is happy. :)

On the day mom and I were to drive back north, I got about a mile from the house and my car started to sputter and blow white smoke. A few hours later I had a tow truck take it to the nearest Subaru dealer (25 miles away) and the shop got us right in and back on the road within 2 hours for under $200.00. I was most thankful. I admit, I was blowing some smoke myself....I was SO frustrated and wanted nothing more than to be in my own it ever so humble, there's no place like home.

It has been brutally cold here (-25 to -30 at night), schools have had delays due to the temperatures and I plain old didn't take Jeremiah to school one day as it was just too cold. Given the car issues I had, I was afraid I'd break down on a back road and in those could be bad news, very fast.

I spent the last few days recovering....I was just wiped out...still am a little bit. Anyway...we are home and happy to be here.

Today all our pipes are frozen. Pete woke up to flowing water on the floors. Grrreat. He has it half fixed and we have water in the bathroom now but not the kitchen. I may set up two tray tables with dish pans and do dishes right there as both sides of my sink are now full of dishes. UGH.

After much deliberation and thought, I quit Weight Watchers and have an alternate plan in place. They have raised the prices and it just is too much for us right now and frankly, my motivation has wained some. So...on to Plan B which I am enjoying and look forward to adding to...more on that later.

Today Jeremiah and I have been working in his room, adding more toys, cleaning out old toys and clothes (we packed up 4 thirteen gallon bags and 1 very large 30 gallon's amazing how much he has outgrown. We are happy to pass it on. He will register for kindergarten in the first week of March. I can hardly believe it!!! And not long after that, he will be having his 5th birthday! AMAZING!

That's all for now!
