The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3689821
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
25-Feb-15 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache

Happily, R is through with his testimony. I went along to court this am and he got through it pretty well, only teared up once. I was surprised at the things he did not remember. He was adamant about not talking about it ahead so I shall just let it go. The accused, acting as his own lawyer, was the BIG baddie. He tried to bring up a number of unrelated issues but the judge and Crown had to keep him on track - mostly.

This man is incredibly pathological. M amazed me by being surprised that "he does not even realize he did anything wrong!" Sociopath. When he first went to jail, we worried about his kids, then realized the kids were probably better off also.

During a break, I was able to speak with the Crown and he assured me that if he is convicted, there will be an opportunity for other victim impact statements. "If..."?; the assault occurred in a court room with judge, lawyer and court reporter as witnesses. R and M are each suing the Province due to the lack of protection in the courtroom.

R was finished about noon and we went back to the car but then, he wanted to go back to the courthouse. Then my BSugar level dove and I had to buy a brownie, hoping it had the adequate combo of sugar and fat; it was pretty bad but gave me the strength to go back up to the cafe and wait in line for real food - chicken noodle soup and green tea got me home. It has been years since that has happened to me.

R decided to stay and listen to other testimony as it might help with the civil case they have against this man. They will not gain anything financially from that but if they win it - some years down the line - it will help out other issues.   Anyone who wants a good story can google "Robin Doak"; it was in the papers, with colour pics - both Fr and Eng - in Aug 2010 and a full page spread in September, including a good pic of some of the 200 rotting mattresses left in the parking lot at the property where this man had been, literally " a squatter". Talk about de-cluttering! It cost a couple thousand to have them removed and find a waste site that would accept them. The current case has also been in the papers as it unfolds.

I hope R can settle down now that he has done his bit but we will still be on tenterhooks until the man is - HOPEFULLY- sentenced to more time. I have no idea how we shall manage the rest of our lives with him on the loose. THAT is what causes me to weep. Never truly feared anything before in my life. It gives me a new understanding of why people want attackers in jail. No wonder I don't feel like doing anything!

Well, sinuses are better. Guess choc really helps ----OR it finally has subsided due to other treatments! So I shall make a pot of cauliflower soup. Need something yummy - besides dark choc!