The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156515   Message #3689951
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
26-Feb-15 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Border Morris Origins?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Border Morris Origins?
Thanks Mr Red, couple of minor points:

"Acrobats, tumblers, athletes performed in richmans' edifices over Europe as entertainment, and were most likely of Indian origin (Arabic implied) or the general region. "

Why Indian? India isn't Arabia and what is a general area?

Isn't this kind strategy known as "Cherry Picking". The "Researcher" and I use that term ironically, looks at a vast collection of evidence then chooses tiny bits to support some already conceived hypothesis.

Dog is god backwards and Jehovah rhymes with Rover - conclude what you like.

The most compelling evidence I have read is in Stations of the Sun by Ronald Hutton. He quotes Barbara Lowe - the first real attempt for one and a half centuries to examine the earliest records of the Morris (p264/5). She suggest the evidence is of a courtly dance that escaped into the countryside. Barbara's essay was written for the EFDSS - "It's implications were utterly ignored"

Best wishes