The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3690316
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
27-Feb-15 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache

I brought the working distiller to the city but left the cord at the mill, thinking I had one here. Found I had none - none that I could find, anyway. So this morning, the situation became critical for me as I was running out of distilled water. Trying to find a source in the city to buy a new one, I phoned a supplier in Vancouver, or maybe Vermont? Super nice woman, upon understanding the problem, said she would talk to tech and phone me. She did so and informed me I should be able to get one in a local hardware store.

SO! I moved out of the doldrums and into gear, went to the closest good hardware and the nice folks there quickly found me the needed cord. So happy, I went to the Market for cheeses and bought R a very small piece of an expensive one he particularly likes and picked up packets of curry powder and Ginger powder. I picked up two tubs of good cream cheese - for bagels - and when I got to cash, the nice woman suggested the other cream cheese. I told her I try not to eat chemicals - potassium sorbate in this case - and I was surprised they had they sort of thing in the store. She told me it was a mistake!

Then to a grocery for orange juice - and some other stuff; it actually had some super good bread marked down so I bought all 3 loaves for frig and freezer. Came home and got my fav (closest) parking space, put things away, started distiller and had a couple small pieces of "Muesli" toast with a not very exciting but nice cheese.

Not going to cafe tonight. R has a meeting and, with such a week and all that needs doing, seems a good idea to stay in the city. Hopefully, he will be able to function adequately and clear some stuff -- and his over-loaded brain - the most important de-cluttering of all!