The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3690617
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
28-Feb-15 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Tami and her snow shoe races! All I want is to stay warm!! It was alleged to be only 21 F today. R could not do much at work so we went to look at a storage shed - very cute wooden one (about 10x13) that he has ascertained can be taken apart and taken on flat bed trailer ( he has) up to Ontario to our new property to replace the falling down shed there. It will make a terrific pottery studio!! He got the woman down to $100! it will be a lot of work moving it and she escapes paying someone to remove it. But I dug around in the car and found a nice cobalt blue mug to give her. She was thrilled and asked where she could take lessons so we helped her with that. ALSO, they are ripping the one side of their house apart in the spring - because she does not want to go outside to get to the car - HONEST! We might be able to get the entire glassed in room (about 6 or 8X10 or 12), nice wooden garage doors and........... You would drool over her house - BIG, OLD, granite - about a million$ or more. And they want it bigger???? OH well! I get a studio and maybe a sun room...

THEN, we drove west of the city to Pincourt on the lake/river to look at the small trailer. about 6x9, it is just about right for a mobile Clay Play facility. Room for a table, two wheels and materials, insulated, plenty of windows so people can stand outside and look in, or come in and give it a try. The non-fun part was walking a couple hundred yards through lots of snow on top of the ice amongst the ice fishing community - humans really are crazy! The wind was biting! We were very glad to get back in the car.

We drove back to city via a thrift shop where I dropped off a large bag of shoes I had found this morning on the sidewalk near the house. I put on blinders - dashed in and dropped the bag in their bin and left, lest I should see anything I must have! Had some lunch and R is sleeping in a chair, waiting for a generator to be repaired so he can go move machinery. I posted on a special North Hastings community bulletin board site on FB about the mobile Clay Play idea to see if anyone is interested. R thinks my car can pull it from place to place BUT I do not do well with backing up with a trailer! I am hoping that friends with trucks will help.

I am ready got bed, myself.