The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3691158
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
03-Mar-15 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Already 3 March! I still have made no pots. Like Michelle I feel like sleeping and eating. The house is the way the house is. Laundry and dishes under control. I have done some clay prep and took a another hot bath yesterday - if I am not going to get anything else done.... Also did some grocery shopping at Market - cheeses and organic apples and celery - and at a grocery store - mayo and other stuffs.

Begged R to consolidate papers from all over the LR. But this court thing is all-consuming. He came home about 5-6 last night and sat. I had made: celery soup so we had a nice meal; I served it with toast w Gruyere on the bottom and Ikea meatballs on top. We each spent time on phone in lengthy conversations - always good to talk things over with friends. I gave him custody of the computer which keeps him entertained. He found articles about the psychiatrist who is supposed to testify for the defense today - he has been legally stopped from practicing several times, and is highly controversial... I was delighted that my newly installed printer worked wirelessly and printed out the articles for him! YAY!

R has gone off to court. Impossible not to want to know what is happening. He is too worn out/stressed by this to go back out and move machinery after court.

This business of people dying is a toughie. People often do not want to face it and then afterwards wish they had.... Never forgiving oneself is a nasty spot. Where do we draw the line between pushing and letting the other be responsible for their own actions - esp when we are going to be the ones who have to live with the -"I should have..."

"Sometimes success is just getting the laundry into the dryer before the mildew sets in." (On FB this am!)

Now to get dressed and go to pot.