The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3691458
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Mar-15 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Dorothy, make that man some comfort food! Split pea soup or beef stew or grilled cheese sandwich and cream of tomato soup on the side. Something to help him get that inner sense of well-being back into place.

Rum, I'm glad to see someone else has entire rooms dedicated to specific tasks! I have a sewing room and the sunroom is exclusively eBay and in the window, houseplants. It at least helps keep that stuff out of the rest of the house (except that I have some craft stuff set up on my dining room table right now).

Since daylight savings time is looming (next weekend, I believe), I've made a point of getting to bed earlier so the transition isn't too hard to recover from. I hate the time change in the spring.

Someone who posts only as a guest started a new "hoarder" thread that I'm going to dovetail into this one later on today. I've given notice over there so they know where to look for it. Might as well keep everyone with this kind of task on the same page.

I have dance class tonight but sleet and snow are due. I live only a few blocks away, but the walk isn't reasonable - it would either be through open prairie, crossing railroad tracks, and skirting a light industrial site, or walking part of the way beside a high-speed freeway feeder that has no sidewalks. So hopefully it will still be driveable this evening. (I'm assuming the instructor will be there all day and into the evening, but I should check her facebook page to be sure).