The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153866   Message #3691471
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Mar-15 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ukraine
Subject: RE: BS: Ukraine
"Liked the complete and utter lie that these items had been "sold to Assad by Britain""
All of these items were sold to Assag#d, despite your denials, you rode off into the sunset having failed to prove otherwise
You were given documented details of all of them - you denied it in stages - not sold, not licencesd, not sent, not enough to make a difference - and then silence.
Keith argued about the sniper ammunition (after having mistaken them for rifles) "All you were able to find was a few sniper rifles" - the he followed you steps.
Regarding the armored cars and riot equipment, he actually proposed that it was ok to sell this to a murderous dictator strangely saying "even a democracy has a right to keep law and order"
One artcle actually came with photographs of British armoured cars and water cannon being used on the streets with the caption pointing out what they were.
The sale of chemicals became a cause-celébre - too well-known even to bother about.
What planet do you establishment arse-lickers occupy?
Jim Carroll