The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153866   Message #3691751
Posted By: Jim Carroll
05-Mar-15 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ukraine
Subject: RE: BS: Ukraine
"Sorry Christmas the Guinard only witters on about licences."
No the don't they state specifically that the sale was official - no wittering
The sale was covered in several papers - so far you have just denied them, after saying they were not a sufficient quantity to do any damage, rtat no licenses were issued, that the licences were issued and rescinded, probably for sporting purposes.... and several other excuses before you settled for "the newspapers made them up".   
Your thick mate settled for them being "only a few sniper rifles" - you went along with that at first
Consistency man, consistency, didn't Captain Mainwearing teach you that in the Home Guard?
You really are an unashamed feckin' eejit!!
Jim Carroll