The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3691791
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
05-Mar-15 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Got to the mill, loaded a bisque kiln, turned it on, had a nice lunch, thawed soup, phoned a potter I met on line yesterday and arranged to visit - about an hour from the mill but a bit closer to the city.

Drove to the potter's studio, via the good butcher where I picked up some all natural, and interesting, sausages - one has blueberries! - and grain fed, hormone free chicken breasts. The potter and his studio were fascinating, pots beautiful, studio post and beam construction with lots of windows, etc. We talked for about 90 min and then it was time to get back to the city before rush hour. I want to take R to meet this guy when we are crises free - well more so than now.

Four hours driving, an hour in studio, 1.5 talking, while standing. So much better than sitting here wanting to go back to bed.

Evidence that R came in while I was away, nuked a bowl of chili I had left in frig!!! Wow!

I had a nice healthy, mostly veg, supper. Dessert????? The rest of eve will be resting/computering/TV.