The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32925   Message #3692682
Posted By: Dave Sutherland
09-Mar-15 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: Never heard of Alex Campbell
Subject: RE: Never heard of Alex Campbell
MacColl and Seeger demanded that there were no support acts on at their bookings? That's a new one on me; our club booked them three times between 1968 and 1973 and each time they stipulated that they would perform approx. 30 minutes in the first half and the whole of the second which amounted at around 90 minutes. The bar would be closed but no mention of residents etc being barred; as we were a folk and blues club naturally the residents performed both musical genres and on each occasion Ewan was highly complementary regarding our singers and musicians and on one occasion, during the interval, Peggy joined a couple of our musicians on her concertina as they played "The Weaver's March".
Regarding Alex Campbell one of the albums he recorded for Xtra was simply called "Alex Campbell" and contained 100% traditional songs (and very well done to boot). I loaned it to various friends and when he played our club, double booked with Finbar & Eddie Furey, the majority who had borrowed the LP were surprised that he performed mainly contemporary material.