The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3692943
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
10-Mar-15 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
YAY, Jeremiah!! Five is a wonderful, exciting age!

My body has not dealt well with the time change. Dragged myself out of bed at 9 am and made BF. R dashed away and I slowly pulled myself into get up and move gear. Drove to the country, unloaded the glaze firing, sorted pots, unloaded car completely and separated newer ones from older ones for my city friends who want to see new work. Collected myself to go to NYS to mail packages - books for gd in NYC and pottery for son in PA. Found right size box, did not find address which I had left in city - PANIC! Ahhhh! I can go to the library - thankfully it is open today! - and find it on computer. Did so. Picked up can of expanding foam at store for packing.

Headed for NYS, figuring I would pack the pottery after I got through border. They did not care! Went into Malone to the PO. Opened tailgate and put thick layer of foam in box. It was supposed to take 15 minutes to harden - long time! I waited - went in and mailed books. Came out ----- this is not going to work. Went in and conferred with clerk. She was very helpful. Plan B: bought a box as mine was a mess of wet foam. Crumpled all the newspaper I had in the car for a bottom layer. placed the pottery - well wrapped, she hopes, in bubble wrap - but do not want it to be able to wiggle at all. Bought two rolls of bubble wrap for stuffing on top; just left them packed and used them as rolls. Later wished I had put two more on bottom. Taped it well and gave it to clerk to deal with. She stamped it all over "fragile" and sent it on its way. Should be there Thursday!!!!

I was so relieved to have done these two chores that I completely forgot to get cheap US gas. Concerned by lots of traffic, I just came back to Canada - where there was no traffic at all. I felt pounds lighter!

Reloaded car - I had just left stuff in yard at the mill while I was away. Stopped at the restaurant for a visit with Geri, then Esther joined us, Geri left and I stayed. Left about 7 and drove to city - darn, missed Big Bang! Stopped and picked up some groceries, got home, put them away, checked craigslist - free TV, phoned and waiting for call back.

Over 60 emails to go through; will FB and work through emails kind of simultaneously.