The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32925   Message #3693015
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Mar-15 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: Never heard of Alex Campbell
Subject: RE: Never heard of Alex Campbell
".the only person blocking it is you. anything less than reverential awe"
To both of you not the case.
I knew MacColl and was able to view many of his failings first hand.
Personally, I don't give a toss how he is regarded by those who didn't know him - my memories are my memories.
I will intervene when I find things said about him that aren't true or fair, but only when they get in the way of discussing his work, which you, Vic, refuse to do, and appear to be happy to use the shit from prevent that happening.
Some of the flaws in Ewan's character were covered in the two radio programmes that went out last month (still no comment from the U.K. - a tsunami of positive response from people in Ireland)
It's not my admiration for MacColl that is blocking any discussion on his work - it's the mean-minded begrudgery of people who would rather talk about his trousers - sartorial elegance, stature and name-change seems to take precedence to the furthering the fortunes of folk song in some quarters
Jim Carroll