The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32925   Message #3693017
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
11-Mar-15 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: Never heard of Alex Campbell
Subject: RE: Never heard of Alex Campbell
yes i had that album. what i really loved was Dave Laibman's accompaniment to Railroad Bill. Most of were playing it in C like Baez which was very nice in a Carter family sort of way.

Dave played it in A. which means that you move to C sharp7 chord. when you play that with the two open E strings - it is SO beautiful - so simple. my room mate at college pointed it out to me, he had a much better ear than me.
we were at teacher training college in Grantham and fri nights we would hitch down the A1 to London to go to Cousins. go round on the circle line all night when they chucked us out. sleep in the national portrait gallery till they chucked us out and it was time for the cousins all nighter.

i played at Eric's funeral last year. Talk about a life in folk music. Nah of course - not REAL folk music , is it?

I wondered at the time about the Laibman connection with Alex. does anyone know?