The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3693064
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
11-Mar-15 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
SRS: What a great educational opportunity! And how humorous to me that it is too late where you are for the corn gluten. The forsythia blooms at end of March in southern PA; I have no idea when they will pop up here! Never mind, further north; I will check in Ontario when I am there in April! That is the measure we used in PA.

So, I stayed up until midnight in case R came home. Then phoned him: "I'm busy right now" So I went to bed. He did come home and did sleep. He left about 8 am, having had the wit to take his am phone call to the LR; I literally get a morning headache if I have too much noise or light (open eyes) before my brain is ready to cope.

I stayed in bed until 10:15 (the old 9:15!) So sitting in LR with a cup of warm water/apple cider vinegar, I have phoned Ontario to set up a Hydro (electric) account on new house. This was amazingly painless! Then I phoned for an appointment to visit friends this afternoon. Now, I shall make up a bagel order - to take to Ontario tomorrow; these friends live near the Bagel Factory so picking them up today saves an hour tomorrow.

Still waking up but gently, slowly! Already went through 30 or so emails, no responses needed! Brain is slightly in gear.