The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3693189
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
11-Mar-15 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Thought I was going to return a carrier to the SPCA but lacked adequate knowledge of which way I was meant to go, so I ended up at my friends a bit early. Their dghtr (55) carried four boxes of pots up the two story metal spiral stairs. I no longer have that energy, nor the guts to carry a box down said stairs. She unwrapped most everything and the family had a wonderful time exclaiming over some of my newer work. As usual Hannah was telling what to do - more of this "shape and colour" and what about... And I had to catch them up on the craziness of our lives. R and I have known them since 1968. I repacked the pots because, I told H, I hate to hear them rattling!

Then to the bagel shop for 9 d bagels to take to Ontario, to Market for some sale cheeses and organic potatoes. Home for supper: veggies and chili. And, while my supper was heating, made a pot of cauliflower cheddar soup to leave for R. Now I will go make a pot of celery soup and then rest up for tomorrow's drive.

Snow is melting vigorously and weather has been sunny and sweat shirt quality. A bit of snow expected tonight and the weekend in Ontario may be snow/rain. Not so great for a farm market.

I'm really tired but feel I can manage what needs to be done - also a load of laundry so I have comfy sweat pants for the journey.