The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32925   Message #3693253
Posted By: Jim Carroll
12-Mar-15 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: Never heard of Alex Campbell
Subject: RE: Never heard of Alex Campbell
"Carroll, Smith - Shut the @++! up! "
First, for my prt in this, apologies.
It was never my intention to take part in this thread - I have said what I had to say about Alex elsewhere and had no intention repeating it here.
Dick Miles introduced MacColl to this thread, totally unnecessarily (08 Mar 15 - 05:38 AM), which I ignored
Al Whittle followed it up with a reference to my respect for MacColl shortly afterwards with a snideswipe both at MacColl and my respect for him " the ones Jim Carroll thinks were the bees knees singing real folk music and boring the arse of everyone"; also totally unnecessarily and rather unpleasantly, in my opinion, so I responded to that one.
Things went downhill from there.
I have become rather sickened by the constant targetting of an important artist, dead for a quarter of a century - it was unethical enough while he was alive, now it it simply morbid.
I'm also rather tired of the double standards of some contributors.
"I'm horrified about the way Jez Lowe has been villified in this thread"
I make no criticism of Jez Lowe, other than to comment on his style and say I believe it has little to do with folk style (I specified why) - as it happens, I'm quite fond of some cabaret singing - in it's place.
It seems that, to some people, it's quite acceptable to take a pop at some people, dead or alive (even to the extent of making their work undiscussable on this forum), and yet be "horrified" when comments on their particular flavour of the month are commented on.
So - apologies for my part in this - I trust they are forthcoming from the other culprits - of course it should not have happened.
My up is well and truely shut!
Jim Carroll