The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29289   Message #369342
Posted By: SINSULL
05-Jan-01 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: Spaw's Spew
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
Cletus is a sweet soul when not led astray by Paw and the Reg boys. He occasionally attends Mudcat Concerts and insists on entertaining everyone with "blue blazers" but he is harmless and quite loveable. Keep him out of the fried possum and white lightnin' if he drops by for a visit. Poor boy had a terrible Christmas with assorted injuries. I wanted Spaw to ship him down to NYC for some sophisticating but he seems afraid to let him out of his sight. Maybe we can get him out on a Mudcat adventure. Bet he can play the mouth harp.