The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29289   Message #369361
Posted By: Lepus Rex
05-Jan-01 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: Spaw's Spew
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
Christ, guest. So people know each other. When you enter a restaurant, and see a group of people having a good time at the next table, do you sit there, alone, quietly sobbing, because it's just not fair that you're not sitting with them, having a ball?

I'm guessing that there are two reasons that you are excluded, in all aspects of your life:

1. People know each-other, often in real life. This is because they are social. You, on the other hand, are a sociopath. It's different.

2. You're a sad, bitter, self-pitying, unlikable little fuck who does nothing but piss and moan about what an unfair hand life has dealt you. I mean, do YOU even want to know you? I thought not.

But I shouldn't say anymore. You're probably just sitting there with a hard-on because so many people have acknowledged your pitiful existence. "Oh, it's just like having friends, I THINK!"

So, whatever your mental problem is, why not take it and your serial-killer-type lifestyle, and piss off? (No offense)

---Lepus Rex