The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3693762
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
13-Mar-15 - 07:12 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache

Thought I posted something yesterday?

Anyhow, this morning I dropped off bagels for one friend, then went to the "new house" to meet agent and measure K and bathroom for flooring. I turned onto the road and saw this really ugly house - ARGHHHH! Needs to be painter -- RED, Green Orange .... Anything but severely drab sort of pale green. I opt for pale yellow ASAP.

Then to the township re permits for changes and by the time I left there - ARGHHHH! what a mess! Then to Service Ontario re changing residency --- ARGHHHHHHHHH! Not sure about this at all!!!!!! Everything seems so complicated --- and costly!

Spent the rest of the day having short or long visits with a variety of friends. What a great feeling when the receptionist asked the boss, "Do you have time to see D.. P...?" And I heard a scream of delighted YESSSS! OK, maybe this IS possible, plausible, .... Being wanted counts for a great deal. Then I remember that this is home.

On the way back to my temp home to rest up for the Farmers' Market tomorrow, I had reached the point of - all I really need to start out is a bed and the propane heater. The rest will come in due time. Closing is 1 April and R will probably still be dealing with crisis # 14567890 at that point. It will still be cold enough not to need a fridge and I got a great lunch for $6 at the bulk food store today - two meals worth,

Oops, Also must admit to buying a lovely big quilt and a small hand made one for pretty, two turtle necks and a beautiful fleecy purple shirt - all at half price at thrift shops. Shopping did not yield boots for R - not under $100! I shall try again on line. And check the thrift shops again on Monday.