The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29289   Message #369532
Posted By: kimmers
06-Jan-01 - 12:37 AM
Thread Name: Spaw's Spew
Subject: RE: Spaw's Spew
Hmmph, my secret decoder capo appears to have gone "pphht" and failed to function. That's what I get for buying the black-market version instead of saving up all of the boxtops like I was supposed to.

Seriously... I've only been around a few months, and am slowly starting to get to know a few of you. I've had a blast. And Guest and others like you: Spaw's mix of bizarre humor and deeply insightful comments were one of the factors that made me decide to stick around. One moment I'd fall out of my chair laughing, the next moment I'd be profoundly moved. His eloquence is shared by many 'Catters, but his humor has a way of drawing in newcomers. Sure 'Catter humor is full of inside jokes, but it doesn't take long before all of the little pieces start to click.