The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156749   Message #3695325
Posted By: GUEST
19-Mar-15 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: Larkspur. Stolen Instruments
Subject: RE: Larkspur. Stolen Instruments
Thanks for that, Breezy. Yes, I have a crime number.The police think it was an opportunistic theft as the instruments were not on view. Presumably, they were after tools.
I've sent photos and descriptions of the instruments to the organisation regulating 90 per cent of pawn shops in the UK. They will be sending an alert to them all. Unfortunately, this isn't a guarantee that people working in them will be honest.
I've also notified all the local music shops and am watching ebay.
I've also managed to get an article about this to be published in some local newspapers too next week.
I figure the more publicity, the better.
I am uninsured due to not properly checking the terms and conditions of my policy. I was also complacent in leaving them in the van in the first place.
Hindsight is a great thing. I can't begin to convery what it feels like to have loved instruments being in the hands of someone else. Material things, I know, but I am feeling the loss.
On a positive, if there is one to be found in all of this, I have supportive friends and I will ensure that I am never going to be in this position again and urge any musicians out there to learn from this lesson and get your instruments properly insured and don't take risks with them!