The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156749   Message #3695413
Posted By: GUEST,FloraG
20-Mar-15 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: Larkspur. Stolen Instruments
Subject: RE: Larkspur. Stolen Instruments
Its a long shot but some home insurance policies cover things out of the home. Worth checking - still not the same as having your own instruments though.
Its a reminder to the rest of us to Photo our instruments and label internally if possible. Hope your search works out.
Our PA man used to always stay with his equipment - reckoned the mikes were what got stolen.
We carry public liability insurance. Someone one day will trip over a cable lead or a speaker leg. We hope its not one of ours but just in case.
We should all lobby for instrument makes to always include a unique code on each instrument.