The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156749   Message #3695494
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
20-Mar-15 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: Larkspur. Stolen Instruments
Subject: RE: Larkspur. Stolen Instruments
I'm happy to hear you are fighting back, Rachel.

I think it would be worth it to send a letter or make a call to the pawnshops within a few miles of the theft. Just think how many items there must be on the list which goes to the whole nation.

I have read that criminals don't like to leave familiar territory. Chances are, if they take the instruments to a pawnshop, it will be a pawnshop nearby.

Also, a pawnshop in an iffy neighborhood might not be among "the 90%."

You have my sympathy. I know how bad I would feel if I lost my instruments.