The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29300   Message #369593
Posted By: roopoo
06-Jan-01 - 05:25 AM
Thread Name: Brandi Blackbear
Subject: RE: Brandi Blackbear
I saw it in the Independent too. Whatever happened to the "Land of the Free"? Anyway, as I understand it there is no hard evidence that she was actually practicing Wicca or any other "alternative" faiths, apart from some reading on the Goddess and notes she had taken, and a pentacle drawn on her hand. She struck me as being a perfectly normal young lady with a healthy interest in spirituality. (They should take a look at what a lot of British teenagers wear about their persons)!

I'm a practicing Christian, but I was brought up by my parents to acknowledge other peoples' faiths and their right to believe what they perceive in their own hearts to be the truth. I believe in learning about other faiths, for how can people denigrate something they know nothing about, and refuse to learn about, which seems blatantly to be the case here. We are, after all, on the same journey, and we all have to travel it as best we can. I believe I have found the best path for me, but should I question the map-reading of another person who is approaching from a totally different direction and who has a different perspective and different priorities in their life? Maybe they will join me on my path if I invite them, but who am I to condemn them if they prefer to travel their own route? After all, they might invite me to join them, and I would not wish them to think ill of me for refusing. On the other hand, maybe we could travel as companions a short way and learn about each other as people, not denominations, before we resume our own paths - both richer for the experience.

Andrea (who hates bigotry)