The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3697975
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
28-Mar-15 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache

Spent most of Thurs am trying to sort out if that box of pots is anywhere in the system. If that man sent it back to the post office there should be a record of it. Very nice woman filled out an on-line form for me and suggested we try to find out from the neighbour when he thought he sent it back.

Thurs aft was computering and reading and at 4:30 an email from lawyer telling me I had an appointment on Monday aft for the property closing. I tried to phone but too late. So then I sent an email explaining why this was unacceptable. Followed by phoning and leaving a message to make sure they read the email before I phoned in the morning. Basically - My closing date is 1 April and that is when I planned to be there. Friday phone call resulted in a Weds am appointment. Whew! I had considerable choice thoughts about this two days notice to someone five hours away. Plans!

Several messages back and forth on Thurs evening with daughter, resulted in my ordering 6 dozen bagels for Fri am.

Friday, I picked up bagels and went to mill, off loaded almost everything from car, esp the pottery which basically lives in the car from market to market to save energy - mine! Then drove down to NYS and mailed the bagels to PA; they should get there Monday. I had arranged to lunch with my friend there; we met at Chinese buffet and talked 3.5 hours! Stopped for cheap US gas and went back to the mill for couple hours and then to cafe. Terrific Scottish music. Broke down and had a piece of cheese cake.

Today, student Ann came and we spent over 3 hours re-arranging the studio and making it more efficient and more pleasant. She helped put some heavy things in the car. Then I had lunch and rested, potted a couple dahlia roots which are showing growth. Finally, I was moved to load a glaze firing, finish loading the car and back to the city. Snow is largely gone. Ice is leaving the river. Days are going to be above freezing with cold nights. Good for the maple syrup. And the geese are flying!!