The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156419   Message #3698131
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
29-Mar-15 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache
Subject: RE: Declutter & fitness-Jan-Mar-Google Cache

Got up this morning exclaiming, "I can walk!!" Almost up to 100%! AND I have felt really good the last 3 days. Amazing what a simple thing like minerals can do. But also using tea tree oil on feet has helped as well as the Pau d'Arco.

I keep being stunned by the amount of time just plain living takes. Now, we had a nice breakfast of blueberry buckwheat cakes. Learned recently that buckwheat is not a grain; no relation to wheat. I never thought of it but it is a broadleaf plant; I have eaten it all my life, as a flour and the whole berry as a breakfast or with veggies for supper.

Then I cleaned the top of a cupboard and the minerals displayed thereon, and sorted some of those ubiquitous cables. I have a place for those things in case we ever figure out what "this one" is for. Sometimes I do and am glad I did not throw "that" out!

Then a phone call from a terrifically distressed friend. I begged her to go to Quaker Meeting - she had just enough time. She needs a stronger support group. I will call her in a while to see if she complied - I referred to it   as a "deal" with me. But now I must make sure she does not feel badly if she did not keep her end.

Then I answered and deleted emails, always checking for any that can be unsubscribed. Then came FB and many comments and support of friends. Now here. Then I can go upstairs and work on making more pots, and finish the ones from last week. Maybe make some celery soup or ???? Oh phooey, need some ingredients from store. Well, nice sunny, not too cold day.

The snow in the backyard is still too high - gets no sun at this end.