The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3700690
Posted By: Teribus
09-Apr-15 - 01:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Well, whichever, Musktwat - 08 Apr 15 - 06:10 PM from contributions and exchanges on this forum I would say that that "confused old fool" as you ignorantly and unnecessarily describe him has shown himself to be better educated, more literate, more rational and certainly more mannerly than the three of you lumped together.

In the context of the thread and remarks made by GregF the question was far from irrelevant:

"How many Christians judicially executed in USA for converting to Islam, Greg?"

The answer to the question Musktwat is NONE, which of course any FOOL would know but as you seem to like dishing out that particular label and accuse people of being fools shall we have a look at GregF's reply?

"Well, Lyin', just give the "Christian"[sic] fundagelicals a chance - that's what they're working towards, even if they're not quite there yet."

Ah so GregF condemns on the strength of what may happen, albeit however unlikely, at some time in the indeterminate future and everybody must accept that as representing the situation "here and now".

Don't know about you Musktwats but I'd say that it was GregF that was showing himself to be the confused pathetic fool. But that is the trouble with bigots and fascists like yourselves and GregF - brook no contradictions to what your version of "normal" (And there is only YOUR version of "Normal" isn't there Musktwat?) is and what your version of the "Party Line" is.

Also odd that you scatter labels and accusations around like confetti, yet whenever called to produce any evidence to support your claims you fall completely silent on detail and launch into personal attack, distortion and distraction.