The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3700817
Posted By: Teribus
09-Apr-15 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
It would appear that a post of mine has gone missing, which is strange as it only called Steve Shaw's attention to the fact that if he is going to quote me then quote the whole thing in context, as what was stated in the original post still stands why remove the other?

So here is the full quote again (It was aimed at Raggytash):

"Call Musktwat, GregF, el al "fascists" and "bigots" of course I do because they are "fascists" and "bigots". It would appear that in your mind it is perfectly alright for them to dish it out while you grin on like a hyena from the sidelines, but a completely different kettle of fish when they demonstrate that they cannot take their own medicine - talking of kettles and fish - You may not be a "fascist", or a "bigots". You are just a "kipper" - two-faced and just plain gutless."

And yes there does seem to be a Tag Team thing going on and Akenaton, myself and Keith A of Hertford have noted it. When the Musktwats, GregF have succeeded in making complete and utter fools of themselves then in jump Dave the Gnome; Raggytash and Good Ol' Steve Shaw.