The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3700927
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Apr-15 - 02:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
".Jim has deserted and Team Musket have walked out with their hands up."
Nope - I have been unable to open this thread since Wednesday - extremely frustrating.
Nice to see you have added to the "I won" mob, though
'the "kill Christians" statement makes no difference whatever, if anything, it underlines the point that all religious killings are evil, whoever they are carried out by.
You have chosen either to ignore or deny any extremism on the part of Christians and have denied that it takes place   
You people are the only ones ever to have supported sectarian terrorism in any shape or form - Keith vehemently, when it comes to that carried out by te Israeli regime in the name of the Jewish people (massacres of refugees, bombardment of hospitals, use of chemical and fragment weapons, starving an entire population onto submission - all ok by him).
He and you refuse to acknowledge any similar behaviour by your particular flavour-of-the-month (Bosnia, Northern Ireland - no comment).
All slaughter, sectarian or otherwise, is unacceptably ever - by Isis, Boko Harem, By Israeli's in the name of Judaism, Bosnian Christians killing 100,000 Muslims, Nigerian Christians killing and driving out returning Muslim refugees....... all are acts of evil, whether they are carried out by religious fanatics in the name of their religion or for military or economic advantage using religion as an excuse.
All of the main religious groups are capable of such acts and in the case of some of them, it is still happening (and this includes Christians   
I is just as evil and hypocritical to take sides, either by defending those acts or by excusing and ignoring them.
You people have chosen your side - it's them, not us, and you continue to refuse to acknowledge that it is all religious groups who step outside their religious remit who are the problem, not any one religion in particular.
God save us all from bigots and religious fanatics such as yourselves.
Jim Carroll